The government controlled media is drum rolling for....MORE GUN LAWS. So, if you got any extra cash laying around, now is a great time to buy guns and ammo.
Why? Simple, let's review this shooting. The shooter, Von Brunn, who is just a suspect, and has not been arrested (some reports say he is in the hospital due to a gunshot wound), is being portrayed in the typical "bad guy" fashion. Von Brunn, is 88 (a little old to be shooting up a Holocaust Museum), and a WWII veteran (attacking veterans and labeling them as a threat to Homeland Security is very popular in the news). Von Brunn also attempted a citizen's arrest on the Federal Reserve Board of Governors, in the 80s, because he believed the Federal Reserve was responsible for the bad economy and high interest rates. far there are 213 sponsors of the Audit the Federal Reserve Bill (who has never been audited since 1913)...does that mean those of us who feel the Federal Reserve should be audited, and perhaps shutdown, are suspected terrorists now? Let's not forget Von Brunn is a white supremacist, who spent time in the great state of Idaho (remember that is where Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols, the (framed) Oklahoma City Bombers lived as well).
All of the above information was obtained by the news media from a website that is REPORTEDLY (not to be confused with FACTUALLY) authored by Von Brunn. I don't believe this sack of b.s.
Read the news! Von Brunn has been a suspected hate-crime offender for years, yet the agencies monitoring him had no clue this guy was going to illegally obtain a gun and shoot a security guard at a Holocaust Museum?
I don't think this guy was anti-Semite at all. It's true our country is run by Zionist Jews, who control the military, and Federal Reserve. Though I don't hate Jews, I feel these Jews have way to much control over our country. Rev. Jeremiah Wright even agrees.
America, this is nothing but an attempt to make each of every one of you FEARFUL. The media is going to shove this guy's story in your face, every day, along with all the other shootings this year, to convince you that GUN LAWS NEED TO BE TOUGHER. The public relations campaign to make us Americans feel gun restrictions should be stricter, has begun. You Americans are going to report white supremacists, and those who hate Jews and Israel, because you are going to believe they are a danger to your safety. You American sheeple will begin cutting ties with outspoken anti-government Americans, like myself, because you will be convinced I am a terrorist. You scared little chicks will start donating money to help the veterans, because those veterans need help, or else they might go nuts and shoot up a place. The media is going to make you Americans beg plead for tougher gun laws, especially since Von Brunn was a felon, and felons can't have guns.
Glenn Beck, the most popular anti-Liberty Movement guy on TV, has connected Von Brunn with the 9/11 Truth Movement. “Our country is now vulnerable,” Beck declares. “Those people who would like to destroy us — our enemies like Al Qaeda. They’d like to destroy us, and they will work with anyone. There are also people like white supremacists or 9/11 truthers that would also like to destroy the country. They’ll work with anybody they can.”
The 9/11 Truth Movement is gaining momentum. 9/11 was an inside job. Here are the facts:
Six months before the 9/11 attacks the World Trade Center was "privatized" by being leased to a private sector developer. The lease was purchased by the Silverstein Group for $3.2 billion. "This is a dream come true," Larry Silverstein said. "We will be in control of a prized asset, and we will seek to develop its potential, raising it to new heights."
From an economic standpoint, the trade center -- subsidized since its inception -- has never functioned, nor was it intended to function, unprotected in the rough-and-tumble real estate marketplace. (meaning not to be privatized) [BusinessWeek]
It was well-known by the city of New York that the WTC was an asbestos bombshell. For years, the Port Authority treated the building like an aging dinosaur, attempting on several occasions to get permits to demolish the building for liability reasons, but being turned down due the known asbestos problem. Further, it was well-known the only reason the building was still standing until 9/11 was because it was too costly to disassemble the twin towers floor by floor since the Port Authority was prohibited legally from demolishing the buildings. [Arctic Beacon]
Under a pending agreement, a developer and his investors will get back most of the down payment that they made to lease the World Trade Center just six weeks before a terrorist attack destroyed the twin towers. Developer Larry Silverstein and investors Lloyd Goldman and Joseph Cayre are nearing a deal that would give them about $98 million of their original investment of $124 million, The New York Times reported Saturday. [MontereyHerald 11/22/2003]
A federal jury on Monday ruled that the assault on the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center was in fact two occurrences for insurance purposes. The finding in U.S. District Court in Manhattan means leaseholder Larry Silverstein may collect up to $4.6 billion, according to reports. [ 12/06/04]
So, Silverstein (a rich Jew) invested about 124 million, yet is getting 4.6 BILLION from insurance. Not to mention, Silverstein admitted on a PBS documentary, America Rebuilds, that the fires in building 7 were uncontrable, and he said, "I remember getting a call from the, er, fire department commander, telling me that they were not sure they were gonna be able to contain the fire, and I said, "We've had such terrible loss of life, maybe the smartest thing to do is pull it." And they made that decision to pull and we watched the building collapse."
What was in Building 7?
Salomon Smith Barney, Financial Inst.
IRS Regional Council, Government
U.S. Secret Service, Government
C.I.A., Government
American Express Bank International, Financial Institution
Standard Chartered Bank, Financial Institution
Provident Financial Management, Financial Institution
ITT Hartford Insurance Group, [Insurance]
First State Management Group, Inc, Insurance
Federal Home Loan Bank, Financial Institution
NAIC Securities, Insurance
Securities & Exchange Commission, Government
Mayor's Office of Emergency Mgmt, Government
Not to mention, Shepard Smith's defense of the Department of Homeland's Security statement that extreme right-wingers will attack America. “We got this warning from Homeland Security,” Smith responded, “and at the time — I mean, the right went absolutely bonkers.” He quoted from an email he had just received, saying, “Shame on you and Catherine Herridge for perpetrating the obscene Department of Homeland Security report on military extremists.”
“This is a former military guy, and he’s gone extremist {referring to Von Brunn},” Smith said firmly, shaking his head. “They were warning us for a reason. They see signs that this sort of thing is bubbling up.”
THE GOVERNMENT IS WARNING US BECAUSE THE GOVERNMENT IS BEHIND THESE ATTACKS! C'mon folks, if the government is "infiltrating" domestic terrorist groups, that means those government spies are a part of the uprising, and the "terror". NOTHING IS BEING DONE TO STOP DOMESTIC ATTACKS. Why?
DIVIDE AND CONQUER. Hopefully we Americans won't break out into a civil war, but this looks like the case. Whites are pissed because a black man is president, Blacks are fearful the Whites will rebel against Obama because he is Black, the Jews are now scared to go to the Holocaust Museum, the immigrant Hispanic population wants amnesty (many spanish language television are already calling for the Mexicans reclaim America, watch ENDGAME) All of this is being financed by and ran by the government that is "protecting" people and infiltrating these groups, when in reality they are pushing our country to civil war.
The "lone wolf" is a danger to America. Von Brunn was a "lone wolf", a bad guy who works alone...that means the government needs YOU to turn in these people. Fear mongering at it's best.
The white supremacy movement is, according to ABC News, using Obama's election to further their hate cause.
Since when?
The United States Government is a danger to America. (caution I'm about to label myself a terrorist by these statements) Fact: The US has more of it's citizens behind bars than dictatorships like China(1 in every 100 Americans is behind bars). Fact: American taxpayers kill "terrorists" playing soccer, and attending weddings in Iraq and Afghanistan thru their continued support of the War on Terror.
America only kills terrorists. If America kills you, you are a terrorist.
Americans are the salt of the earth. They never do any wrong. Only those other people do. Not the Israelis, of course.
And police, prosecutors, and juries never make mistakes. Everyone accused is guilty.
Fear has made every American a suspect, eroded our rights, and compromised our humanity, turning mothers against sons, brothers against sisters, neighbor against neighbor.
The war is not what the media portrays it to be, it's not the US vs. Terrorists, it's the US Government, Inc. vs. THE FAMILY.