Since my last post, my life seems to be that of a criminal. I've been in and out of both the civil and criminal courts in different counties. No matter what court house, county, district, and no matter which lawyer you hire and/or get appointed: you as an individual are forgotten.
Due to my four years worth of experience in civil (family) court, I will divulge my disgust for this corrupt, lame excuse for "justice". The general statue in my state requires that the "best interest" of the child be upheld in all custody decisions. Although the statue seems clearly stated, judges actually have too much power over parental rights, or "the best interest of the child".
Family Court judges are not objective. The five judges whom have ruled to me what is best for my child have all been subjective to the other side. In four years, my child's father has accused me of being a violent, child molesting, pot smoking schizophrenic. By no means am I exaggerating. In the last four years I have not seen my daughter for at least one year due to all of my visitation suspensions.
Each accusation my ex has brought against me has been dis proven by professionals. I have been thoroughly investigated by the Department of Social Services, police, private investigators, and counselors. Each one of these professionals have testified in favor of me, therefore convincing the judge to grant my right to be mother again.
Though justice does eventually prevail, the courts are not swift. A time line of a child custody case in Robeson County, North Carolina:
1. Plaintiff moves Court to suspend Defendant's visitation with minor child because child states Defendant smokes marijuana and grows it in her backyard.
2. Judge reviews Plaintiff's actions and suspends Defendant's visitation pending a court hearing in 10 days.
3. Ten days later hearing is held, Plaintiff states child's counselor is unable to attend. When trying to reschedule, Plaintiff's lawyer and counselor will be out of town for 30 days. Judge sustains decision and Defendant cannot see child until the next court hearing in one month.
4. Scheduling conflicts arise because Defendant has hired an out-county-lawyer, and the Plaintiff's lawyer is lying to the other lawyer about when court can be held. A court hearing is finally set 2 months after Plaintiff's complaint.
5. Sixty days later a court hearing is finally held in which the child's counselor can be present. Judge hears the evidence and Defendant is found to be "innocent" and granted the right to see her child. However, Defendant has been kept from her child for two months, without justification.
Whose best interest does this serve? Obviously that of the Plaintiff. The child's father has successfully kept his daughter from her mother for two months. The child is being used as a strategic weapon to persuade the courts something MUST BE DONE to protect the child from the maniac mother!
The court file is getting thick, and this year is probably the last year my ex will be allowed to harass me court. He has essentially ran out of bullshit--or reasons to persuade the court to suspend my parental rights. Plus, a lawsuit is right around the corner for Robeson County if they allow their courtroom to be a boxing ring for a jealous, immature ex still in love with his married child's mother.
Though the battle has been bitter, the road paved the way for my current dilemma in criminal court, making my travels easier to understand, because only idiots go to court without a lawyer, though the same results should be expected.
Why? Turn to your Bible, in the book of Job. Christianity mistakenly states the book of Job details Job's struggle against Satan, also known as the devil. Though ironic, it is not true. Satan, as stated in the book of Job, refers to the Courts, i.e. judges, lawyers, and juries.
Satan (the Courts) is devious. For example, in the child custody time line outlined above, the Defendant hired an out of county lawyer, who did not know family court cases are held on Fridays. Therefore, the Plaintiff's lawyer took advantage of this and scheduled court on Tuesdays, until the Defendant's counsel figured out she was being duped.
Satan is unfair. With only one witness, such as a counselor, the child is kept from the Defendant. Satan, or the judge, refuses to witness mother-child interaction for himself and bases his decision, in the best interest of the child, on that of a "professional" counselor.
Satan will tempt you. By not allowing the Defendant to see her child, the mother is distraught and contemplates breaking the law to see her child. You see I already had a Social Worker determine, in an unannounced visit, that I was not a marijuana smoker and was only growing vegetables in my garden. However, the court refused to hear this evidence! I literally stood in front of the judge with the paperwork from Social Services that stated my home was safe and I was not a danger to my child--only to have the judge tell me the case has been continued and I cannot see my child until after the next hearing, which was two months later! Talk about frustration.
Satan wants to make a deal. Basically the child, my child, is the victim. As a mother, do I walk away and do what is "best" for my child? Of course I can't fathom never seeing my child, though a part of me wonders if she would come to me later in life. Am I that great of a mother? Could the last six years of her life be enough for her to understand I left because it was "best for her"? Do I stick around, and hope the next four years are different? Either way, the Courts are there to remind you, regardless of if you want to be a parent, you must pay child support.
Not a big deal, if the the child support system was an honest system. I pay an enormous amount of child support, therefore I'm entitled to the interest earned off of my child support account. That's right, all child support paid in America is deposited into one big Federal Reserve Account. If there is a balance at the end of the year, I get a refund check from THE Federal Reserve Bank. If you fail to deposit your child support money every month, then the Courts will prosecute you for being a dead beat parent. Your child then hates you for being broke and selfish and not buying them clothes, and sending them on vacations....blah, blah, blah.
Either way Satan wins. Satan, the Courts, will order you around, and if you don't follow their orders, you will be prosecuted and incarcerated. During your incarceration, you will bring in about 300.00 bucks a day from the Federal Government, or Federal Reserve Bank. The Federal Reserve Bank makes a profit on the interest of printing dollars given/loaned to the Federal Government, who gave the dollars to the state. The amount of dollars given to the State is determined by how many people the State has locked up. So why wouldn't the Federal Reserve Bank want to prosecute those who do not pay child support, who smoke pot, who drink under age, who smoke under age, who prostitute--all victimless crimes mind you--either way: you pay the fine (money goes into Federal Reserve Account, therefore the banks earns interest) or do the time (Federal Reserve then earns interest off loan given to Federal Govt. to pay for you in lock up).
Over 20 counties in North Carolina are building new, bigger jails to house the unruly criminals. These so called criminals are lame. If you're ever in Charlotte and got a buck pick up the recent edition of JAILED, it's a 30 page newspaper full of mug shots. Most "criminals" either don't pay child support, smoke marijuana, drink and drive, or failed to appear in court on a previous charge. There aren't a lot of murders, or burglaries. Just victimless, non-violent crimes.
Laws should be fair and protect individuals. I do not advocate drug use, or prostitution, however I will not tread on someone's right to smoke a joint or pay 20 bucks for a hand job. Your action does not hurt me. However, slitting a hookers throat, or killing a family of 3 when you're drunk driving deserves the charges of first degree murder. Though the argument for PREVENTION of a crime is convincing, the argument defends the State, therefore personifying a political representation of individuals. Individuals are not protected when the State's, or EVERYONE'S, best interest is at stake.
The law in NC states you cannot drink and drive, or smoke in restaurants, because you will cause harm to another person. In scenario one, there is no victim, only the prevention of a supposed person you might harm when you drink and drive. You must pay for any potential harm you could do. In scenario two, the victims are numerous people who don't like smoking and eating. Then why not have separate restaurants for those who do not want to smoke? That's because too many "poor" entrepreneurs were getting "rich" off that idea, so the government decided to kill that sector of the economy and rule NO SMOKING IN RESTAURANTS.
That way everyone suffers. The law punishes drug users and drunk drivers the same as it punishes innovative businessmen and court beaten parents: through regulation and financing. We as individuals are only allowed our pre-determined lot in life.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Kennedy's Blueprint for American Enslavement
Ted Kennedy died of brain cancer last week, and of course, political leaders are calling for the passage of ObamaCare; DO IT FOR TEDDY!
No doubt Kennedy has quite a legislative record, however his bills have laid foundation for many of today's ills in the US.
1964: Head Start
-- Provided meals and early education to pre-school children through the Employee Opportunity Act.
The More You Know: The Centers for Disease Control reported last month that pre-school age obesity rates "has stabilized in the last 5 years" and now 1 in 7 preschool age children are obese. Interestingly, in 2005, the government funded approximately 900,000 head start slots for children, not including Hispanics, with 800,750 slots awarded to the (Black and White Kids) Head Start program and the American Indian–Alaska Native Head Start program. Indians and Alaskan Native childhood obesity rates are 21.2%. Hispanics, a major low-income group in America, have an obesity rate of 18.5%, but Head Start has not released any enrollment numbers for Hispanics because it is a difficult population to track, according to the government.
CDC epidemiologist Dr. Andrea Sharma states, "reducing obesity rates require policy changes that promote physical activity and good nutrition." Good nutrition is what Head Start was designed to do, and is failing to do: The CDC reports that pre-school obesity rates has doubled since the 1970s.
Could Head Start be a part of the problem? The programs feeds kids that are experiencing more obesity.
1965: Hart-Cellar Act:
-- Changed immigration policy to abolish quotas and lift a 1924 ban on immigration from Asia.
From Wikipedia:
During debate on the Senate floor, Kennedy, speaking of the effects of the act, said, "First, our cities will not be flooded with a million immigrants annually. Under the proposed bill, the present level of immigration remains substantially the same.... Secondly, the ethnic mix of this country will not be upset.... Contrary to the charges in some quarters, [the bill] will not inundate America with immigrants from any one country or area, or the most populated and deprived nations of Africa and Asia.... In the final analysis, the ethnic pattern of immigration under the proposed measure is not expected to change as sharply as the critics seem to think.... The bill will not flood our cities with immigrants. It will not upset the ethnic mix of our society. It will not relax the standards of admission. It will not cause American workers to lose their jobs."[2] The act's supporters not only claimed the law would not change America's ethnic makeup, but that such a change was not desirable.[1]
The More You Know: Look at this graph. Listen to the news, immigrants are bankrupting the Medicaid and Food Stamp programs, simply because they are let into our country poor and hungry. Objectively speaking, we Americans know that immigrants have taken a lot of American jobs, from construction jobs, to the medical field, and they are underpaid. Immigrants are a major humanitarian problem for the US. Wasn't immigration reform one of the talking points in the 2008 presidential election?
Today's immigration problems started with Ted Kennedy. What he said in 1965 would not happen, did happen, and will continue until this bill is repealed.
1968: Bilingual Education Act
-- Mandated for schools to provide bilingual education programs.
The More You Know: It is unconstitutional for the US federal government mandate that States teach one language, over another. In the US we do not have an official language, so how can the government demand every school in the nation teach English? This is oppressive legislation for immigrants; first the government lifts the immigration ban, and then forces all the schools to teach them English, which utterly destroys their native language, culture, and customs.
1970: Voting Age
-- Lowered the age to vote to 18.
The More You Know: The voting age was lowered to appease soldiers returning from the Vietnam War. These men and women fought, but didn't have the right to vote. However, Kennedy did not support lowering the drinking age to 18--it would take too much money and power away from the government. Many states, like Kansas and Colorado, look at curbing underage drinking as a revenue raising opportunity.
1971: Federal Cancer Research Program
-- Quadrupled the amount of money spent by the federal government to fight cancer.
The More You Know: According to the Journal of Clinical Oncology, cancer rates are expected to increase by 45% from 1.6 million in 2010 to 2.3 million in 2030, just in the United States. When Hispanics are reported to have a higher rate of cancer, just by moving to the US, you know the federal government is not succeeding in fighting cancer.
1972: Meals on Wheels
-- Strengthened the federal program offering nutritional meals to homebound seniors.
The More You Know: According to The Causes, Consequences, and Future of Senior Hunger in America, seniors with food insecurity, or being on food stamps (another gov'ment program), have a higher rate of needing Meals on Wheels. The same study states that the growth of the "non-white population" in America, will increase the number of hungry seniors. Plus, 50% of seniors at risk for hunger, have incomes above the poverty line, which means their money is paying for medical expenses not food.
Wonder if Kennedy knew Meals on Wheels would support seniors drowning in rising health care costs? If he did, why not call for health care reform, instead of a funding a social charity program that supports rising health care costs?
1972: WIC
-- Offered food, nutrition counseling and health services to low-income women, infants, and children.
The More You Know: You know childhood obesity rates have increased since the 1960s, and of course 2/3 of American adults over age 20 are obese and/or overweight. Yet, WIC, or Women Infants and Children, claims to:
-- Children are more likely to have a regular source of medical care and immunizations
-- Children who receive WIC benefits demonstrate improved intellectual development
-- SIGNIFICANTLY improves children’s diets
WIC "supports" breastfeeding, but at the same time provides women free formula for one year, an act that destroys the option to breastfeed. If you're poor and can't buy a can of 25 dollar formula, you breastfeed.
Not to mention that WIC vouchers limit the nutrition needed by pregnant/nursing women, infants and children. A recipient receives approximately 5 vouchers a month, each voucher provides one or more of the following:
Peanut butter
Carrots (for breastfeeding women only)
Tuna (for breastfeeding women only)
The amount and types of foods depend on whether the food is being provided for an infant (up to 12 months), a child up to five years, a pregnant woman, a non-breastfeeding woman (post-partum, up to six months), or a breastfeeding woman (up to one year). Specifications are given for the forms that each food is allowed to be purchased in
Once the vouchers are gone, the woman returns to health department for another screening, usually a quick medical test, and more vouchers are provided. Notice that WIC limits amounts and types of food based on who it is for (pregnant woman, nursing/not nursing, and kids), limits are not based on NEED. The government uses the food pyramid to determine how much each of the four food groups your CLASSIFICATION of person needs, not your INDIVIDUAL needs.
1972: Title IX
-- Demanded equal funding for men's and women's athletics on college campuses.
The More You Know: Equality sounds so nice and peachy. But let's face it, a male football team is going to require more money than the girls softball team. More equipment and gear is needed to play football than softball. Equality is a sweet word for it's synonym: mediocrity. Men and women are prohibited from competition that creates greatness and innovation under the guise of "equality for ALL!"
Title IX, uses certain factors to determine if equal treatment exists, including: "Opportunity to receive coaching and academic tutoring on mathematics only;"
This factor is clearly for women only. Women score lower than men in math, so women must be provided with math tutoring only...not science tutoring, nor funding for educational classes that enhance math (like drafting class)..nope, just math.
1974: Campaign Finance
-- Imposed limits on contributions to political candidates and set up a public financing option, post-Watergate.
The More You Know: The bill established the Federal Election Commission, a public election fund. That's right, millions of tax dollars a year are sent to the FEC and then given to one presidential candidate, at the current President's discretion. Not to mention, the FEC uses your money to support either a Democrat or Republican, no other political party is given money by the American people to run for president, thanks to Kennedy. In essence, "campaign finance" created a two-party dictatorship in the US.
1975: Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
-- Guaranteed free and appropriate public education to children with disabilities.
The More You Know: Keyword: appropriate. The government determines what is an appropriate education for disabled children. What is appropriate? Group think.
I witnessed the enforcement of IDEA on my brother. The schools labeled him "learning disabled" and developed an "individual education plan (IEP)" for him--however at age 16 my brother dropped out of school. IDEA forced him to drop out, because my brother is NOT disabled, he is an over-medicated millennium child who sees what the educational system really is: BULLSHIT. IDEA is used to stagnate each child's individualism, and make them conform to group thinking by silencing their individuality. If a child doesn't learn by watching movies, writing sentences, and doing worksheets, then the child is disabled, and must be forced to learn the proper way....IDEA stifled our American teachers' professionalism by limiting what could be done by teachers to teach a child by merely giving them a few solutions as defined on an IEP worksheet.
1978: Civil Rights Commission Act Amendments
-- Expanded the jurisdiction of the Civil Rights Commission to protect people from discrimination on the basis of disability.
The More You Know: Equality=Mediocrity. For example, Walgreens has hired hundreds of disabled workers to worker at their South Carolina warehouse. Every week at Walgreens, we have trouble with our truck. Merchandise is mis-picked, merchandise is labeled wrong, and at least 5-10 products are damaged every truck day, equaling hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of lost revenue a year for each store, in revenue and lost payroll time to correct these mistakes. We don't complain as much anymore, we understand we have to accept the mistakes because they are disabled. Forget how much money the dee-dah-dees are costing us Walgreens, society pays the ultimate price with higher prices on goods to support disabled Americans.
Do disabled workers need jobs? Sure, but I don't think a government forcing private businesses to hire disabled workers is constitutional, because it enfringes on the businesses' right to hire who they feel is best for the job.
1978: Airline Deregulation
-- Allowed airlines to choose their own fares, reducing costs for consumers.
The More You Know: Airfare prices have continued rise, limited access to flying to upper-middle to upper classes. Many current price hikes go unreported to the public. Before this bill was enacted, Congress set airfares, claiming airlines were a public utility, just like railroads. Kennedy made the use of airplanes a privilege, not a right, in America.
1980: Refugee Act
-- Established a U.S. policy for providing humanitarian assistance, admission and resettlement to refugees around the world.
The More You Know: The Refugee Act created the Office of Refugee Resettlement (another government agency providing government jobs) which provides cash, jobs, medical screenings, and English as a second language to certain refugees. Most importantly, the agency determines where refugees can and cannot live. If there are too many Rwandans in New York, then the Rwandan must go where there isn't that many Rwandans (unless an immediate family member lives in New York). Even though American immigrants historically tend to create their own immigrant communities--this Act prohibits refugees from creating a refugee community. First by locating them away from other refugees and next by taking away their language and forcing them to learn English.
Senator Kennedy, this legislation is meant to suppress refugee freedom, not enhance.
1981: Fuel Assistance
-- Provided home heating fuel for low-income and working poor families.
The More You Know: What FoxNews did not publish:
The FY 1981 program expanded the use of HHS (Health and Human Services)funds to assist with medically necessary cooling costs along with home heating costs and weather related and supply shortage emergencies. 1.85 BILLION appropriation.
Prior to the passage of Fuel Assistance, 6 other programs were put in enacted to help poor Americans, "As the result of the increase in oil prices resulting from the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) oil embargo in 1973." From 1973-1981, the Feds spent 2,154,678,000 to combat the oil embargo, 1.6 Billion in 1980 alone!
Think of what kind of fuel we have today if that 3 billion dollars was invested in alternative fuel research instead of ONLY going to help the poor. I'm positive 9/11/01 would not have occurred if Kennedy didn't push this bill on bleeding hearts in America.
1983: Martin Luther King Day
-- Established a national holiday to celebrate Martin Luther King's birthday.
The More You Know: The great Martin Luther King, Junior was assassinated on April 4, 1968. Kennedy took 15 years to federally recognize the birth of MLK? Why not the death? Oh, because Kennedy doesn't want you snooping around and finding out the real killer of MLK. Even the surviving King family doesn't believe James Earl Ray killed MLK.
Way to distract Americans from the real issue Teddy.
1984: Improved Access to Polling Stations
-- Required polling stations to provide physical accessibility for physically disabled and elderly people on federal election days.
1986: Employment Opportunities for Disabled Americans Act
-- Allowed disabled workers to receive SSI benefits and Medicaid coverage.
The More You Know: More people receiving assistance, equals more tax dollars to support SSI and Medicaid. This legislation has allowed private companies to get away with not supporting their injured workers, because now big daddy gov'ment will take care of them, by sending workers 400 bucks a month, to live on, and free "medical" care. Imagine if the gov'ment did not provide this assistance, then workers would get income and insurance from their employers (who are partially responsible for the workers' getting hurt), I bet disabled workers would get a lot more than 400 bucks a month.
1986: Anti-Apartheid Sanctions
-- Banned the purchase of gold, coal, iron, and other goods from South Africa to protest apartheid.
The More You Know: These sanctions did nothing but drive up the price of gold, coal, and iron....and "other" goods by making the market scarce, yet demand was still high. Big example, is gold. In 1980 gold was about $500 per ounce, and fell to $327 in 1985, by 1989, the price was back up to $401, and has stayed above 300 bucks, until 1997, 4 years after the sanctions were lifted.
It takes about 4 years start trading and develop business partners after 7 years of sanctions.
1987: Even Start
-- Offered early education, family literacy and related services to disadvantaged parents and their children.
The More You Know: See Head Start 1964. Moreover, now the government can start indoctrinating parents, as well as kids, into the educational system. These programs tell parents what books to read, what kinds of foods to eat, as well as what behavior is "normal" for kids. 1984.
1988: Fair Housing Act Amendments
-- Prohibited discrimination towards people with disabilities in the sale or rental of housing.
The More You Know: Do you know how expensive it is to make a home handicap accessible? You know why housing is so expensive? Because the cost to comply with government laws, is passed to you, the consumer. Not to mention, this "FAIR HOUSING ACT" prohibits a landlord from charging extra rent for pets. THAT IS NOT FAIR. As a pet owner, who pays 30 extra dollars in rent to have pets, I don't think a blind person should not have to pay. Pets damage property, even if it's your seeing eye dog! Landlords lose money, and have to repair damage out of their pocket, instead of you the renter paying for it yourself. So, we the non-disabled renters are forced to pay higher pet rent. Thanks Kennedy!
1989: National Military Child Care Act
-- Established the Department of Defense child care system.
The More You Know: This did so much more than merely create the DoD child care system. Under this act, privilege is given to military spouses for hiring, or promotion within, the position of child care employee. The law gave unearned privilege to military spouses in the childcare workforce. Why? Is a military spouse that much better at childcare than a civilian? Well, from the government's perspective, I suppose it is true.
1990: Americans with Disabilities Act
-- Prohibited discrimination against any qualified individual with a disability in job application procedures, hiring or discharge, compensation, advancement and training.
The More You Know: Didn't the expansion of the civil rights commission, Kennedy's previous bill, do the same thing? Oh, it added compensation and advancement and training to the list of DISABLED WORKERS MUST HAVE:
As a woman, I am upset that on the basis that disabled workers need equal treatment, federal laws and mandates get put into place to advance disabled folks, instead of women. Women, in 2009, are underpaid, overworked, and overtaxed, as opposed to our male co-workers, generally speaking. Not to mention, more men are in high ranking positions than women. This law is unconstitutional, because it favors one group over another, causing civil unrest among the unprotected groups, like women.
1990: Ryan White CARE Act
-- Provided assistance to states to develop effective and cost-efficient AIDS care programs, aimed particularly at early diagnosis and home care.
The More You Know: Ryan's act pays for HIV/AIDS patients to receive reimbursement for expensive health care, medical care, and even WIC (yes, the government program). The program gets about 2.5 million a year, of course the budget gets bigger as the cases of HIV/AIDS get higher. Why are more people getting AIDS? Why no research to cure AIDS?
Interestingly enough, the Act is aimed to at "early diagnosis", that translates to: more patients to feed AIDS/HIV drugs to, and get the American taxpayer to fund their "care". The average AIDS patient is on 15-20 medications. That's a lot of money to be kept barely alive.
1991: Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty
-- Halved the world's nuclear arsenal through cooperation with the U.S.S.R.
The More You Know: Where did the warheads go? They are still in underground bunkers in the US! Read my blog for February 2009, in which 100 million of Obama's recovery money went to "formerly utilized" military sites in the Midwest, to "clean up" nuclear waste. Not to mention, Russia has never verified whether or not we Americans actually did destroy our nukes, of course the treaty only allowed the Russians to view one site, and the US stopped checking Russia's 2 sites (of course Russia has more than 2 nuclear sites, Americans were only allowed to verify 2 of several) in 1995. There is no proof this treaty worked. If we Americans felt it worked, why are we so worried about terrorists getting nukes? If the US and Russia destroyed ALL theirs in the 90s?
1991: Women in Combat
-- Lifted the ban on women serving as combat aviators.
The More You Know: So Kennedy championed equal pay, training, and compensation for disabled Americans, but merely made it legal for women to fight in combat for America? No equal pay for women, nope, women can now go fly a plane and risk being shot down by Iraqi forces, held prisoner, raped, and left, like Jessica Lynch (who testified to Congress that the US lied to the media about her capture), all thanks to Kennedy. Guess it's just more drama to get Americans ready to support war and more bodies to go fight the war, right Kennedy?
1992: Summer Jobs for Youth Program
-- Appropriated $500 million to give 300,000 youth with summer employment.
The More You Know: This program classifies children into different job categories, and sends the ones who fit the "mold" to jobs, while the "not qualified" youth don't get jobs. It's a government run apprenticeship program. The government decides what jobs youths receive, and gives the businesses the money to pay the youth they accept. Guess what, most of these jobs are Government Jobs.
1992: Mammography Quality Standards Act
-- Ensured the safety and accuracy of mammograms and promoted the use of the procedure
The More You Know: Mammography's emit more radiation than a chest x-ray. Why is this amount of radiation, each year for some women, considered good? The recommended force to be used in order to compress the breast tissue enough for a proper mammogram is 300 newtons. That's the equivalent of stacking 50 one-pound bags of sugar on the breast. Fifty pounds on the breast will cause injury! Hence causing a tumor, that MIGHT turn cancerous!
1993: National and Community Service Trust Act
-- Created AmeriCorps and the Corporation for National and Community Service to help expand volunteerism and education grants for students who choose to volunteer for service after college.
The More You Know: These programs made the National Guard available to go fight in Iraq and Afghanistan. Without AmeriCorp, New Orleans would not have been cleaned up. The National Guard was not available to help with Hurricane Katrina, because they were deployed overseas, and allowed to be deployed, because the "volunteers" would save America from natural disasters and domestic threats. Yea right, volunteers don't do as well as trained workers.
1993: Student Loans
-- Allowed students to borrow money for college directly from the federal government.
The More You Know: All the college students out there who are unemployed please stand up! Yea! They are thanking gov'ment for partially funding their college education, that landed them a job, which they just got laid off of, and now owe 18,000+ in debt for that education, which is now worthless to 25% of college educated workers!
1994: Family and Medical Leave Act
-- Provided up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave for family emergencies or after the birth of infants.
1994: Crime Act
-- Secured funding for 100,000 new police officers, imposed new penalties for crimes involving gangs and firearms and authorized the Police Corps, a program to award college scholarships to students in return for a commitment to serve as police officers.
The More You Know: Police Corps selection criteria include physical and mental capabilities, emotional characteristics, character, motivation and dedication to public service and law enforcement, scholastic record, work experience outside of law enforcement, and community involvement. Sounds like the federalization, or standardization, of America's police force. This program was suspended on 12/12/07, but claims to have indoctrinated over 3000 policemen and women.
Gang crimes? Gang violence, activity, and membership is up in the US. Gangs are the gov'ment's drug cartel competitors.
1996: Kennedy-Kassebaum Act
-- Enabled employees to keep health insurance after leaving their job and prohibited insurance companies from refusing to renew coverage on the basis of preexisting medical conditions.
The More You Know: Another legislative act that adds to cost of health care in the US. If a worker gets fired, then sure the bill makes sense, but if you're sick and want to "leave" your job, then you pay for preexisting conditions and new insurance.
1996: Mental Health Parity Bill
-- Eliminated limits on mental health coverage that differ from other covered illnesses.
The More You Know: Reason #1 why mental health care is outrageously expensive! Many are unnecessarily hospitalized and medicated, hence insurance companies set a cap on mental health costs. Mental health=pharmaceutical company profits
1996: Temporary Assistance to Needy Families Act
-- Established Welfare-to-Work Initiatives to reduce the number of families dependent on government assistance.
The More You Know: These "welfare to work" initiatives did nothing but create more people receiving assistance. TANF is the lowest amount of assistance a needy person can get, but when you apply for TANF, you are also told what other more lucrative programs you qualify to receive assistance. In 2000, there were about 643,000 Americans receiving social government assistance, in 2006, 822,000.
1996/2007: Minimum Wage
-- Increased the minimum wage from $4.25 to $5.15 in 1996, and then again from $5.15 in 2007 to $7.25 by 2009.
1997: State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP)
-- Supported state efforts to provide health insurance to uninsured children in low-income families.
The More You Know: Low incomes always get brought into the political arena as needing government help, because we Americans want to help them. Prior to government intervention and regulation of the medical industry, herbal and holistic medicine, which has been proven to be just as effective as Western modern medicine, was affordable and accessible to the poor. However the government imposed sanctions and laws that regulated herbal medicine out of business. The Food and Drug Administration will never approve caffeine as a cure for asthma, even though inhalers contain ephedrine, which is a stimulant similar to caffeine. Why no approval? Caffeine is found in nature, and you can't patent, or profit, from something God created, but if a lab takes out the caffeine, puts it into an inhaler, then the FDA will approve the drug, and your doctor will give it to you. Imagine how much more affordable coffee is to poor people, then an inhaler. Gov'ment is to blame for rising health care costs.
Government, and especially Kennedy's legislation, extensively laid the ground work for American Enslavement under the government run food, education, work, wage, energy and health care regulations. If it's not government approved, it doesn't happen in America. Prior to legislation forcing American tax payers to help the poor and sick, Americans donated money to churches and non-profits to help those in need. Now, with Bush and Obama, the government is funding churches and non-profits, further inhibiting America's freedom to help who they want to help.
Below is more of Kennedy's record. H1N1 is here. Kennedy's legislation prepared us.
2000: Minority Health and Health Disparities Research and Education Act
-- Improved data systems and research on the extent and severity of minority health problems, and authorized significant resources to help enhance the delivery of health care to minorities.
2000 Public Health Threats and Emergencies Act
-- Introduced initiatives to control the spread of germs resistant to antibiotics, and to protect the country against bioterrorism.
2001: No Child Left Behind Act
-- Required more rigorous testing of public school students and permitted parents to transfer their children from low-performing to higher-performing schools.
2002: Bioterrorism Preparedness Act
-- Established plan to help the country prevent, prepare for and respond to bioterrorism and other public health emergencies.
2002: Enhanced Border Security and Visa Entry Reform Act
-- Expanded the country's intelligence and law enforcement capabilities to help identify individuals who have violated visas or have links to terrorist organizations.
2003: Up-Armored Humvees
-- Provided funding for additional armor for military vehicles to meet the safety needs of American troops.
2003: PROTECT Act
-- Provided funding for AMBER Alert notification systems along U.S. highways and awarded grants to states for the implementation of improved communication technologies.
2005: Gulf Coast Recovery and Preparedness Act
-- Provided emergency funding to assist in the recovery efforts after Hurricane Katrina.
2006: Family Opportunity Act
-- Provided states the opportunity to expand Medicaid coverage to children with special needs and allowed low- and middle-income families with disabled children the ability to purchase coverage under the Medicaid program.
No doubt Kennedy has quite a legislative record, however his bills have laid foundation for many of today's ills in the US.
1964: Head Start
-- Provided meals and early education to pre-school children through the Employee Opportunity Act.
The More You Know: The Centers for Disease Control reported last month that pre-school age obesity rates "has stabilized in the last 5 years" and now 1 in 7 preschool age children are obese. Interestingly, in 2005, the government funded approximately 900,000 head start slots for children, not including Hispanics, with 800,750 slots awarded to the (Black and White Kids) Head Start program and the American Indian–Alaska Native Head Start program. Indians and Alaskan Native childhood obesity rates are 21.2%. Hispanics, a major low-income group in America, have an obesity rate of 18.5%, but Head Start has not released any enrollment numbers for Hispanics because it is a difficult population to track, according to the government.
CDC epidemiologist Dr. Andrea Sharma states, "reducing obesity rates require policy changes that promote physical activity and good nutrition." Good nutrition is what Head Start was designed to do, and is failing to do: The CDC reports that pre-school obesity rates has doubled since the 1970s.
Could Head Start be a part of the problem? The programs feeds kids that are experiencing more obesity.
1965: Hart-Cellar Act:
-- Changed immigration policy to abolish quotas and lift a 1924 ban on immigration from Asia.
From Wikipedia:
During debate on the Senate floor, Kennedy, speaking of the effects of the act, said, "First, our cities will not be flooded with a million immigrants annually. Under the proposed bill, the present level of immigration remains substantially the same.... Secondly, the ethnic mix of this country will not be upset.... Contrary to the charges in some quarters, [the bill] will not inundate America with immigrants from any one country or area, or the most populated and deprived nations of Africa and Asia.... In the final analysis, the ethnic pattern of immigration under the proposed measure is not expected to change as sharply as the critics seem to think.... The bill will not flood our cities with immigrants. It will not upset the ethnic mix of our society. It will not relax the standards of admission. It will not cause American workers to lose their jobs."[2] The act's supporters not only claimed the law would not change America's ethnic makeup, but that such a change was not desirable.[1]
The More You Know: Look at this graph. Listen to the news, immigrants are bankrupting the Medicaid and Food Stamp programs, simply because they are let into our country poor and hungry. Objectively speaking, we Americans know that immigrants have taken a lot of American jobs, from construction jobs, to the medical field, and they are underpaid. Immigrants are a major humanitarian problem for the US. Wasn't immigration reform one of the talking points in the 2008 presidential election?
Today's immigration problems started with Ted Kennedy. What he said in 1965 would not happen, did happen, and will continue until this bill is repealed.
1968: Bilingual Education Act
-- Mandated for schools to provide bilingual education programs.
The More You Know: It is unconstitutional for the US federal government mandate that States teach one language, over another. In the US we do not have an official language, so how can the government demand every school in the nation teach English? This is oppressive legislation for immigrants; first the government lifts the immigration ban, and then forces all the schools to teach them English, which utterly destroys their native language, culture, and customs.
1970: Voting Age
-- Lowered the age to vote to 18.
The More You Know: The voting age was lowered to appease soldiers returning from the Vietnam War. These men and women fought, but didn't have the right to vote. However, Kennedy did not support lowering the drinking age to 18--it would take too much money and power away from the government. Many states, like Kansas and Colorado, look at curbing underage drinking as a revenue raising opportunity.
1971: Federal Cancer Research Program
-- Quadrupled the amount of money spent by the federal government to fight cancer.
The More You Know: According to the Journal of Clinical Oncology, cancer rates are expected to increase by 45% from 1.6 million in 2010 to 2.3 million in 2030, just in the United States. When Hispanics are reported to have a higher rate of cancer, just by moving to the US, you know the federal government is not succeeding in fighting cancer.
1972: Meals on Wheels
-- Strengthened the federal program offering nutritional meals to homebound seniors.
The More You Know: According to The Causes, Consequences, and Future of Senior Hunger in America, seniors with food insecurity, or being on food stamps (another gov'ment program), have a higher rate of needing Meals on Wheels. The same study states that the growth of the "non-white population" in America, will increase the number of hungry seniors. Plus, 50% of seniors at risk for hunger, have incomes above the poverty line, which means their money is paying for medical expenses not food.
Wonder if Kennedy knew Meals on Wheels would support seniors drowning in rising health care costs? If he did, why not call for health care reform, instead of a funding a social charity program that supports rising health care costs?
1972: WIC
-- Offered food, nutrition counseling and health services to low-income women, infants, and children.
The More You Know: You know childhood obesity rates have increased since the 1960s, and of course 2/3 of American adults over age 20 are obese and/or overweight. Yet, WIC, or Women Infants and Children, claims to:
-- Children are more likely to have a regular source of medical care and immunizations
-- Children who receive WIC benefits demonstrate improved intellectual development
-- SIGNIFICANTLY improves children’s diets
WIC "supports" breastfeeding, but at the same time provides women free formula for one year, an act that destroys the option to breastfeed. If you're poor and can't buy a can of 25 dollar formula, you breastfeed.
Not to mention that WIC vouchers limit the nutrition needed by pregnant/nursing women, infants and children. A recipient receives approximately 5 vouchers a month, each voucher provides one or more of the following:
Peanut butter
Carrots (for breastfeeding women only)
Tuna (for breastfeeding women only)
The amount and types of foods depend on whether the food is being provided for an infant (up to 12 months), a child up to five years, a pregnant woman, a non-breastfeeding woman (post-partum, up to six months), or a breastfeeding woman (up to one year). Specifications are given for the forms that each food is allowed to be purchased in
Once the vouchers are gone, the woman returns to health department for another screening, usually a quick medical test, and more vouchers are provided. Notice that WIC limits amounts and types of food based on who it is for (pregnant woman, nursing/not nursing, and kids), limits are not based on NEED. The government uses the food pyramid to determine how much each of the four food groups your CLASSIFICATION of person needs, not your INDIVIDUAL needs.
1972: Title IX
-- Demanded equal funding for men's and women's athletics on college campuses.
The More You Know: Equality sounds so nice and peachy. But let's face it, a male football team is going to require more money than the girls softball team. More equipment and gear is needed to play football than softball. Equality is a sweet word for it's synonym: mediocrity. Men and women are prohibited from competition that creates greatness and innovation under the guise of "equality for ALL!"
Title IX, uses certain factors to determine if equal treatment exists, including: "Opportunity to receive coaching and academic tutoring on mathematics only;"
This factor is clearly for women only. Women score lower than men in math, so women must be provided with math tutoring only...not science tutoring, nor funding for educational classes that enhance math (like drafting class)..nope, just math.
1974: Campaign Finance
-- Imposed limits on contributions to political candidates and set up a public financing option, post-Watergate.
The More You Know: The bill established the Federal Election Commission, a public election fund. That's right, millions of tax dollars a year are sent to the FEC and then given to one presidential candidate, at the current President's discretion. Not to mention, the FEC uses your money to support either a Democrat or Republican, no other political party is given money by the American people to run for president, thanks to Kennedy. In essence, "campaign finance" created a two-party dictatorship in the US.
1975: Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
-- Guaranteed free and appropriate public education to children with disabilities.
The More You Know: Keyword: appropriate. The government determines what is an appropriate education for disabled children. What is appropriate? Group think.
I witnessed the enforcement of IDEA on my brother. The schools labeled him "learning disabled" and developed an "individual education plan (IEP)" for him--however at age 16 my brother dropped out of school. IDEA forced him to drop out, because my brother is NOT disabled, he is an over-medicated millennium child who sees what the educational system really is: BULLSHIT. IDEA is used to stagnate each child's individualism, and make them conform to group thinking by silencing their individuality. If a child doesn't learn by watching movies, writing sentences, and doing worksheets, then the child is disabled, and must be forced to learn the proper way....IDEA stifled our American teachers' professionalism by limiting what could be done by teachers to teach a child by merely giving them a few solutions as defined on an IEP worksheet.
1978: Civil Rights Commission Act Amendments
-- Expanded the jurisdiction of the Civil Rights Commission to protect people from discrimination on the basis of disability.
The More You Know: Equality=Mediocrity. For example, Walgreens has hired hundreds of disabled workers to worker at their South Carolina warehouse. Every week at Walgreens, we have trouble with our truck. Merchandise is mis-picked, merchandise is labeled wrong, and at least 5-10 products are damaged every truck day, equaling hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of lost revenue a year for each store, in revenue and lost payroll time to correct these mistakes. We don't complain as much anymore, we understand we have to accept the mistakes because they are disabled. Forget how much money the dee-dah-dees are costing us Walgreens, society pays the ultimate price with higher prices on goods to support disabled Americans.
Do disabled workers need jobs? Sure, but I don't think a government forcing private businesses to hire disabled workers is constitutional, because it enfringes on the businesses' right to hire who they feel is best for the job.
1978: Airline Deregulation
-- Allowed airlines to choose their own fares, reducing costs for consumers.
The More You Know: Airfare prices have continued rise, limited access to flying to upper-middle to upper classes. Many current price hikes go unreported to the public. Before this bill was enacted, Congress set airfares, claiming airlines were a public utility, just like railroads. Kennedy made the use of airplanes a privilege, not a right, in America.
1980: Refugee Act
-- Established a U.S. policy for providing humanitarian assistance, admission and resettlement to refugees around the world.
The More You Know: The Refugee Act created the Office of Refugee Resettlement (another government agency providing government jobs) which provides cash, jobs, medical screenings, and English as a second language to certain refugees. Most importantly, the agency determines where refugees can and cannot live. If there are too many Rwandans in New York, then the Rwandan must go where there isn't that many Rwandans (unless an immediate family member lives in New York). Even though American immigrants historically tend to create their own immigrant communities--this Act prohibits refugees from creating a refugee community. First by locating them away from other refugees and next by taking away their language and forcing them to learn English.
Senator Kennedy, this legislation is meant to suppress refugee freedom, not enhance.
1981: Fuel Assistance
-- Provided home heating fuel for low-income and working poor families.
The More You Know: What FoxNews did not publish:
The FY 1981 program expanded the use of HHS (Health and Human Services)funds to assist with medically necessary cooling costs along with home heating costs and weather related and supply shortage emergencies. 1.85 BILLION appropriation.
Prior to the passage of Fuel Assistance, 6 other programs were put in enacted to help poor Americans, "As the result of the increase in oil prices resulting from the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) oil embargo in 1973." From 1973-1981, the Feds spent 2,154,678,000 to combat the oil embargo, 1.6 Billion in 1980 alone!
Think of what kind of fuel we have today if that 3 billion dollars was invested in alternative fuel research instead of ONLY going to help the poor. I'm positive 9/11/01 would not have occurred if Kennedy didn't push this bill on bleeding hearts in America.
1983: Martin Luther King Day
-- Established a national holiday to celebrate Martin Luther King's birthday.
The More You Know: The great Martin Luther King, Junior was assassinated on April 4, 1968. Kennedy took 15 years to federally recognize the birth of MLK? Why not the death? Oh, because Kennedy doesn't want you snooping around and finding out the real killer of MLK. Even the surviving King family doesn't believe James Earl Ray killed MLK.
Way to distract Americans from the real issue Teddy.
1984: Improved Access to Polling Stations
-- Required polling stations to provide physical accessibility for physically disabled and elderly people on federal election days.
1986: Employment Opportunities for Disabled Americans Act
-- Allowed disabled workers to receive SSI benefits and Medicaid coverage.
The More You Know: More people receiving assistance, equals more tax dollars to support SSI and Medicaid. This legislation has allowed private companies to get away with not supporting their injured workers, because now big daddy gov'ment will take care of them, by sending workers 400 bucks a month, to live on, and free "medical" care. Imagine if the gov'ment did not provide this assistance, then workers would get income and insurance from their employers (who are partially responsible for the workers' getting hurt), I bet disabled workers would get a lot more than 400 bucks a month.
1986: Anti-Apartheid Sanctions
-- Banned the purchase of gold, coal, iron, and other goods from South Africa to protest apartheid.
The More You Know: These sanctions did nothing but drive up the price of gold, coal, and iron....and "other" goods by making the market scarce, yet demand was still high. Big example, is gold. In 1980 gold was about $500 per ounce, and fell to $327 in 1985, by 1989, the price was back up to $401, and has stayed above 300 bucks, until 1997, 4 years after the sanctions were lifted.
It takes about 4 years start trading and develop business partners after 7 years of sanctions.
1987: Even Start
-- Offered early education, family literacy and related services to disadvantaged parents and their children.
The More You Know: See Head Start 1964. Moreover, now the government can start indoctrinating parents, as well as kids, into the educational system. These programs tell parents what books to read, what kinds of foods to eat, as well as what behavior is "normal" for kids. 1984.
1988: Fair Housing Act Amendments
-- Prohibited discrimination towards people with disabilities in the sale or rental of housing.
The More You Know: Do you know how expensive it is to make a home handicap accessible? You know why housing is so expensive? Because the cost to comply with government laws, is passed to you, the consumer. Not to mention, this "FAIR HOUSING ACT" prohibits a landlord from charging extra rent for pets. THAT IS NOT FAIR. As a pet owner, who pays 30 extra dollars in rent to have pets, I don't think a blind person should not have to pay. Pets damage property, even if it's your seeing eye dog! Landlords lose money, and have to repair damage out of their pocket, instead of you the renter paying for it yourself. So, we the non-disabled renters are forced to pay higher pet rent. Thanks Kennedy!
1989: National Military Child Care Act
-- Established the Department of Defense child care system.
The More You Know: This did so much more than merely create the DoD child care system. Under this act, privilege is given to military spouses for hiring, or promotion within, the position of child care employee. The law gave unearned privilege to military spouses in the childcare workforce. Why? Is a military spouse that much better at childcare than a civilian? Well, from the government's perspective, I suppose it is true.
1990: Americans with Disabilities Act
-- Prohibited discrimination against any qualified individual with a disability in job application procedures, hiring or discharge, compensation, advancement and training.
The More You Know: Didn't the expansion of the civil rights commission, Kennedy's previous bill, do the same thing? Oh, it added compensation and advancement and training to the list of DISABLED WORKERS MUST HAVE:
As a woman, I am upset that on the basis that disabled workers need equal treatment, federal laws and mandates get put into place to advance disabled folks, instead of women. Women, in 2009, are underpaid, overworked, and overtaxed, as opposed to our male co-workers, generally speaking. Not to mention, more men are in high ranking positions than women. This law is unconstitutional, because it favors one group over another, causing civil unrest among the unprotected groups, like women.
1990: Ryan White CARE Act
-- Provided assistance to states to develop effective and cost-efficient AIDS care programs, aimed particularly at early diagnosis and home care.
The More You Know: Ryan's act pays for HIV/AIDS patients to receive reimbursement for expensive health care, medical care, and even WIC (yes, the government program). The program gets about 2.5 million a year, of course the budget gets bigger as the cases of HIV/AIDS get higher. Why are more people getting AIDS? Why no research to cure AIDS?
Interestingly enough, the Act is aimed to at "early diagnosis", that translates to: more patients to feed AIDS/HIV drugs to, and get the American taxpayer to fund their "care". The average AIDS patient is on 15-20 medications. That's a lot of money to be kept barely alive.
1991: Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty
-- Halved the world's nuclear arsenal through cooperation with the U.S.S.R.
The More You Know: Where did the warheads go? They are still in underground bunkers in the US! Read my blog for February 2009, in which 100 million of Obama's recovery money went to "formerly utilized" military sites in the Midwest, to "clean up" nuclear waste. Not to mention, Russia has never verified whether or not we Americans actually did destroy our nukes, of course the treaty only allowed the Russians to view one site, and the US stopped checking Russia's 2 sites (of course Russia has more than 2 nuclear sites, Americans were only allowed to verify 2 of several) in 1995. There is no proof this treaty worked. If we Americans felt it worked, why are we so worried about terrorists getting nukes? If the US and Russia destroyed ALL theirs in the 90s?
1991: Women in Combat
-- Lifted the ban on women serving as combat aviators.
The More You Know: So Kennedy championed equal pay, training, and compensation for disabled Americans, but merely made it legal for women to fight in combat for America? No equal pay for women, nope, women can now go fly a plane and risk being shot down by Iraqi forces, held prisoner, raped, and left, like Jessica Lynch (who testified to Congress that the US lied to the media about her capture), all thanks to Kennedy. Guess it's just more drama to get Americans ready to support war and more bodies to go fight the war, right Kennedy?
1992: Summer Jobs for Youth Program
-- Appropriated $500 million to give 300,000 youth with summer employment.
The More You Know: This program classifies children into different job categories, and sends the ones who fit the "mold" to jobs, while the "not qualified" youth don't get jobs. It's a government run apprenticeship program. The government decides what jobs youths receive, and gives the businesses the money to pay the youth they accept. Guess what, most of these jobs are Government Jobs.
1992: Mammography Quality Standards Act
-- Ensured the safety and accuracy of mammograms and promoted the use of the procedure
The More You Know: Mammography's emit more radiation than a chest x-ray. Why is this amount of radiation, each year for some women, considered good? The recommended force to be used in order to compress the breast tissue enough for a proper mammogram is 300 newtons. That's the equivalent of stacking 50 one-pound bags of sugar on the breast. Fifty pounds on the breast will cause injury! Hence causing a tumor, that MIGHT turn cancerous!
1993: National and Community Service Trust Act
-- Created AmeriCorps and the Corporation for National and Community Service to help expand volunteerism and education grants for students who choose to volunteer for service after college.
The More You Know: These programs made the National Guard available to go fight in Iraq and Afghanistan. Without AmeriCorp, New Orleans would not have been cleaned up. The National Guard was not available to help with Hurricane Katrina, because they were deployed overseas, and allowed to be deployed, because the "volunteers" would save America from natural disasters and domestic threats. Yea right, volunteers don't do as well as trained workers.
1993: Student Loans
-- Allowed students to borrow money for college directly from the federal government.
The More You Know: All the college students out there who are unemployed please stand up! Yea! They are thanking gov'ment for partially funding their college education, that landed them a job, which they just got laid off of, and now owe 18,000+ in debt for that education, which is now worthless to 25% of college educated workers!
1994: Family and Medical Leave Act
-- Provided up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave for family emergencies or after the birth of infants.
1994: Crime Act
-- Secured funding for 100,000 new police officers, imposed new penalties for crimes involving gangs and firearms and authorized the Police Corps, a program to award college scholarships to students in return for a commitment to serve as police officers.
The More You Know: Police Corps selection criteria include physical and mental capabilities, emotional characteristics, character, motivation and dedication to public service and law enforcement, scholastic record, work experience outside of law enforcement, and community involvement. Sounds like the federalization, or standardization, of America's police force. This program was suspended on 12/12/07, but claims to have indoctrinated over 3000 policemen and women.
Gang crimes? Gang violence, activity, and membership is up in the US. Gangs are the gov'ment's drug cartel competitors.
1996: Kennedy-Kassebaum Act
-- Enabled employees to keep health insurance after leaving their job and prohibited insurance companies from refusing to renew coverage on the basis of preexisting medical conditions.
The More You Know: Another legislative act that adds to cost of health care in the US. If a worker gets fired, then sure the bill makes sense, but if you're sick and want to "leave" your job, then you pay for preexisting conditions and new insurance.
1996: Mental Health Parity Bill
-- Eliminated limits on mental health coverage that differ from other covered illnesses.
The More You Know: Reason #1 why mental health care is outrageously expensive! Many are unnecessarily hospitalized and medicated, hence insurance companies set a cap on mental health costs. Mental health=pharmaceutical company profits
1996: Temporary Assistance to Needy Families Act
-- Established Welfare-to-Work Initiatives to reduce the number of families dependent on government assistance.
The More You Know: These "welfare to work" initiatives did nothing but create more people receiving assistance. TANF is the lowest amount of assistance a needy person can get, but when you apply for TANF, you are also told what other more lucrative programs you qualify to receive assistance. In 2000, there were about 643,000 Americans receiving social government assistance, in 2006, 822,000.
1996/2007: Minimum Wage
-- Increased the minimum wage from $4.25 to $5.15 in 1996, and then again from $5.15 in 2007 to $7.25 by 2009.
1997: State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP)
-- Supported state efforts to provide health insurance to uninsured children in low-income families.
The More You Know: Low incomes always get brought into the political arena as needing government help, because we Americans want to help them. Prior to government intervention and regulation of the medical industry, herbal and holistic medicine, which has been proven to be just as effective as Western modern medicine, was affordable and accessible to the poor. However the government imposed sanctions and laws that regulated herbal medicine out of business. The Food and Drug Administration will never approve caffeine as a cure for asthma, even though inhalers contain ephedrine, which is a stimulant similar to caffeine. Why no approval? Caffeine is found in nature, and you can't patent, or profit, from something God created, but if a lab takes out the caffeine, puts it into an inhaler, then the FDA will approve the drug, and your doctor will give it to you. Imagine how much more affordable coffee is to poor people, then an inhaler. Gov'ment is to blame for rising health care costs.
Government, and especially Kennedy's legislation, extensively laid the ground work for American Enslavement under the government run food, education, work, wage, energy and health care regulations. If it's not government approved, it doesn't happen in America. Prior to legislation forcing American tax payers to help the poor and sick, Americans donated money to churches and non-profits to help those in need. Now, with Bush and Obama, the government is funding churches and non-profits, further inhibiting America's freedom to help who they want to help.
Below is more of Kennedy's record. H1N1 is here. Kennedy's legislation prepared us.
2000: Minority Health and Health Disparities Research and Education Act
-- Improved data systems and research on the extent and severity of minority health problems, and authorized significant resources to help enhance the delivery of health care to minorities.
2000 Public Health Threats and Emergencies Act
-- Introduced initiatives to control the spread of germs resistant to antibiotics, and to protect the country against bioterrorism.
2001: No Child Left Behind Act
-- Required more rigorous testing of public school students and permitted parents to transfer their children from low-performing to higher-performing schools.
2002: Bioterrorism Preparedness Act
-- Established plan to help the country prevent, prepare for and respond to bioterrorism and other public health emergencies.
2002: Enhanced Border Security and Visa Entry Reform Act
-- Expanded the country's intelligence and law enforcement capabilities to help identify individuals who have violated visas or have links to terrorist organizations.
2003: Up-Armored Humvees
-- Provided funding for additional armor for military vehicles to meet the safety needs of American troops.
2003: PROTECT Act
-- Provided funding for AMBER Alert notification systems along U.S. highways and awarded grants to states for the implementation of improved communication technologies.
2005: Gulf Coast Recovery and Preparedness Act
-- Provided emergency funding to assist in the recovery efforts after Hurricane Katrina.
2006: Family Opportunity Act
-- Provided states the opportunity to expand Medicaid coverage to children with special needs and allowed low- and middle-income families with disabled children the ability to purchase coverage under the Medicaid program.
alex jones,
new world order,
ted kennedy
Monday, August 17, 2009
Freedom of Choice, Freedom for life
Seems to be a lot of talk lately about all the "chatter", or opposition, to Obama's Healthcare plan. The news media seems to be labeling all opposition as bad, good for nothing nay-sayers who like to scream in disagreement at town hall meetings. Of course this is the way the media distracts the American people from actually TALKING about the healthcare plan.
So let's talk. Did you know Obama's healthcare advisor is Dr. Ezekeil Emanuel, who is a sly little man, who first supported euthanasia, but now says he does not. (sidenote, Emanuel is Rob Emanuel's, Obama's Chief of Staff, nepotism going on there...yea right)
Emanuel, wrote and published an article titled,"What are the Potential Cost Savings from Legalizing Physician-Assisted Suicide?" by Ezekiel J. Emanuel and Margaret P. Battin, New England Journal of Medicine, 1998.
The co-author of this article, Margaret Battin, supports other such cost-cutting programs like, "Should Medical Care be Rationed by Age?, edited by T. Smeeding with Margaret P. Battin, Leslie P. Francis, and Bruce M. Landesman, Totowa, N.J.: Rowman & Littlefield, 1987. My personal favorite, which exposes her true nazi-self, "Sex & Consequences: Changing the Default Mechanism in Human Reproduction. On the conflict between population growth control and reproductive freedom; completion date 2005 or 2006. In other words, POPULATION CONTROL, limiting the number of children a couple can have.

AGE BASIS FOR RECEIVING HEALTHCARE. IF YOU'RE UNDER 10 AND OVER 50 YOU GO TO THE BACK OF THE LINE. Another one of Emmanel's great journal articles, which show what a NAZI he is when it comes to healthcare.
Sure the media will say it's all the healthcare protesters are making things up...when the media flat out refuses to have a discussion. Healthcare protesters, like myself, do NOT, and will NOT, shut up and go home. I have children under 10, my parents are over 50, and if ANYONE is going to give them advice on "end of life care", it will be ME, the mother, the daughter, the sister, the granddaughter. NOT some under-paid government doctor who only has enough money to save 15 lives a year.
THE GOVERNMENT HAS NO BUSINESS GIVING HEALTHCARE ADVICE. Healthcare is best left in the hands of PRIVATE companies who want to make money, therefore they will increase the quality of healthcare, whereas the government wants to SAVE money, therefore "assisting" in the suicide, or cost-cutting.
"Medical school education and postgraduate training emphasize thoroughness. When evaluating a patient, students, interns, and residents are trained to identify and praised for and graded on enumerating all possible diagnoses and tests that would confirm or exclude them... This mentality carries over into practice. Peer recognition goes to the most thorough and aggressive physicians. The prudent physician is not deemed particularly competent, but rather inadequate. This culture is further reinforced by a unique understanding of professional obligations, specifically, the Hippocratic Oath's admonition to "use my power to help the sick to the best of my ability and judgment" as an imperative to do everything for the patient regardless of cost or effect on others."
Stated by Emmanuel, in the article, "The Perfect Storm of Over utilization", June 2008, JAMA. In the article, Emmanuel states that payments to doctors should be based on the SUCCESS of the care provided. Meaning, if a cancer treatment is new, and not really proven to be 100% successful, but might save your life, the treatment will NOT be offered to you under Obama's healthcare plan. Only those treatments that are 100% successful will be used on patients. That means there will NOT be ANY medical advancements in the future. Why would doctors try experimental procedures on patients for free?
Not only does this healthcare plan discriminate against the ages, it discriminates against patient options. It is cost cutting, not life saving. Why?
We Americans owe billions and billions of dollars to the Federal Reserve Private bank and International Monetary Fund. We cannot continue spending OUR money on petty little things like healthcare, when we have to repay our debt to the big banks.
So let's talk. Did you know Obama's healthcare advisor is Dr. Ezekeil Emanuel, who is a sly little man, who first supported euthanasia, but now says he does not. (sidenote, Emanuel is Rob Emanuel's, Obama's Chief of Staff, nepotism going on there...yea right)
Emanuel, wrote and published an article titled,"What are the Potential Cost Savings from Legalizing Physician-Assisted Suicide?" by Ezekiel J. Emanuel and Margaret P. Battin, New England Journal of Medicine, 1998.
The co-author of this article, Margaret Battin, supports other such cost-cutting programs like, "Should Medical Care be Rationed by Age?, edited by T. Smeeding with Margaret P. Battin, Leslie P. Francis, and Bruce M. Landesman, Totowa, N.J.: Rowman & Littlefield, 1987. My personal favorite, which exposes her true nazi-self, "Sex & Consequences: Changing the Default Mechanism in Human Reproduction. On the conflict between population growth control and reproductive freedom; completion date 2005 or 2006. In other words, POPULATION CONTROL, limiting the number of children a couple can have.

AGE BASIS FOR RECEIVING HEALTHCARE. IF YOU'RE UNDER 10 AND OVER 50 YOU GO TO THE BACK OF THE LINE. Another one of Emmanel's great journal articles, which show what a NAZI he is when it comes to healthcare.
Sure the media will say it's all the healthcare protesters are making things up...when the media flat out refuses to have a discussion. Healthcare protesters, like myself, do NOT, and will NOT, shut up and go home. I have children under 10, my parents are over 50, and if ANYONE is going to give them advice on "end of life care", it will be ME, the mother, the daughter, the sister, the granddaughter. NOT some under-paid government doctor who only has enough money to save 15 lives a year.
THE GOVERNMENT HAS NO BUSINESS GIVING HEALTHCARE ADVICE. Healthcare is best left in the hands of PRIVATE companies who want to make money, therefore they will increase the quality of healthcare, whereas the government wants to SAVE money, therefore "assisting" in the suicide, or cost-cutting.
"Medical school education and postgraduate training emphasize thoroughness. When evaluating a patient, students, interns, and residents are trained to identify and praised for and graded on enumerating all possible diagnoses and tests that would confirm or exclude them... This mentality carries over into practice. Peer recognition goes to the most thorough and aggressive physicians. The prudent physician is not deemed particularly competent, but rather inadequate. This culture is further reinforced by a unique understanding of professional obligations, specifically, the Hippocratic Oath's admonition to "use my power to help the sick to the best of my ability and judgment" as an imperative to do everything for the patient regardless of cost or effect on others."
Stated by Emmanuel, in the article, "The Perfect Storm of Over utilization", June 2008, JAMA. In the article, Emmanuel states that payments to doctors should be based on the SUCCESS of the care provided. Meaning, if a cancer treatment is new, and not really proven to be 100% successful, but might save your life, the treatment will NOT be offered to you under Obama's healthcare plan. Only those treatments that are 100% successful will be used on patients. That means there will NOT be ANY medical advancements in the future. Why would doctors try experimental procedures on patients for free?
Not only does this healthcare plan discriminate against the ages, it discriminates against patient options. It is cost cutting, not life saving. Why?
We Americans owe billions and billions of dollars to the Federal Reserve Private bank and International Monetary Fund. We cannot continue spending OUR money on petty little things like healthcare, when we have to repay our debt to the big banks.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Terrorists or FEMA National Level Exercise
On Monday, July 27, seven suspected terrorists were arrested in Raleigh, NC. I read this from the same link that is posted above, on
When I read this story on the web, there were several other "documents" under the the "Documents" section in the blue box on the website. There were 7 separate indictment documents for each of the seven people, which basically read that the government's case against the defendant's contained evidence as allowed under the Foreign Intelligence law. Those documents are now unavailable. I regretfully did not print those documents, but each said the exact same thing about using foreign spies to charge these men of terrorism. Currently the full indictment against the men is on the website.
The indictment must be looked at carefully America. Go to and LOOK at these men, do they really, really look like terrorists to you? By the way terrorist suspect #8 is at large, and un-named in the indictment.

DANIEL PATRICK BOYD (white man name) a/k/a "Saifullah" (Muslim name) a US citizen.

HYSEN SHERIFI, a native of Kosovo and legal permanent resident of the US.


ZIYAD YAGHI a naturalized citizen of the US, meaning he wasn't born here.
NOT PICTURED: ANES SUBASIC, ZAKARIYA BOYD, a/k/a "ZAK", DYLAN BOYD, a/k/a MOHAMMED, and DEFENDANT BLANK, who is at large and believed to be in Pakistan. Why were the three other defendants' mugshots not posted? Why is #8 unidentified?
Daniel is accused of going to Pakistan and Afghanistan from 1989-1992 and receiving jihad training from terrorist camps. Following this training, Boyd fought against the Soviet Union in Afghanistan. Please read the history of the Soviet War. In short, in 1979 Afghanistan was a communist government, the mujahadeen were anti-communist rebels, in which the American CIA helped, a/k/a "provided material support to terrorists", in order to fight against the Soviet Union. The Communist government asked the Soviets to send in some troops and tanks to help fight against the American-backed mujahadeen. Read it here.
Guess who else was in Afghanistan fighting against the Soviet Union? Osama bin Laden, but of course bin Laden was not fighting for democracy, he was for the Taliban to replace Communist Russia. Bin Laden HATES America, why would he fight alongside America against the Soviets? IN THE NAME OF JIHAD! A HOLY WAR! TWO SIDES AGAINST ONE ENEMY!
Back to Daniel's indictment, Daniel's wife told FOXNews in North Carolina that the GOVERNMENT funded her husband's tour in Afghanistan in 1989-1992. It may sound unbelievable, but the evidence is there that America funded a democratic faction of Afghanistan and Pakistan from about 1972-1992.
Turn on the TV! The media is focusing on Daniel aka Saifallah as the ringleader. Just as Osama bin Laden is accused of being the ringleader of 9/11, yet there are NO CHARGES AGAINST BIN LADEN FOR 9/11. Why? The FBI says there is not enough evidence.
Just as reading this indictment, which many Americans will never do, or have the chance, there is not enough evidence against these men.
Daniel went to Gaza and ATTEMPTED to enter Palestine to introduce his son to other jihad supporters. How is this man indicted on attempting to enter a country? Obviously he wasn't successful, so where is the material support?
Ziyad went to Jordan in October 2006 to engage in violent jihad. The Feds need to show me a videotape of this man fighting in order to convince America how terrible Ziyad is, and the media will be showing this video shortly, if not then, where is the evidence?
Daniel bought two guns in November of 2006. So now Americans who buy 2 guns at one time can be indicted for providing support to terrorists?
Four of the terrorists went to israel in June of 2007, and returned to the US in July 2007 after "failed attempt to engage in violent jihad." Wonder what evidence will be presented? How is going to israel a sign of terrorism? Muslims sympathize with Palestinians, just as Americans donate money to Africa, therefore any American Muslim who supports Palestinian causes are TERRORISTS. The rest of the allegations in Count One is nothing but emails, coded conversations, and donated money all being done in the name of violent jihad.
Example, straight from the indictment, "In November 2008, Hysen stated "everything is going as planned", and that he had "good news", "Allah has opened a way for me." The recipient of the statement believed this to be a reference to engaging in violent jihad." What the hell? According to the indictment Hysen was in Kosovo to do violent jihad. Just by reading his email, it sounds like he was on a spiritual journey. There are several holy mosques in Kosovo in which Muslims pilgrim to throughout their life time. Not to mention Kosovo has been fighting a civil war since about 1991, and many Muslims feel the need to support their Muslim brothers and sisters rebuild after war. Just as Christians donate to their own religious causes. This man is being persecuted because he is Muslim. Period.
The evidence presented here is the same as above, and additionally, 3 of the terrorists practiced military tactics on Daniel's property in Caswell County, NC. Basically this says anyone who wants run a self defense drill on their own property, is a suspected terrorists. C'mon America!! This is how the government will slowly, but surely, place this country under military control, by accusing Americans of terrorism because they exercise their right to self-defense and the right to bear arms.
Daniel received a Bushmaster M4A3 and ammunition through interstate commerce in November of 2006.
Daniel, Hysen, and Zak (Daniel's son), the three who were practicing military tactics on June 10, 2009, on private property, possessed firearms to practice military tactics. Hysen was in Kosovo from July 2008 to about April 2009 and within three months this man is behind bars for terrorism charges. Hysen is a native of Kosovo, why wouldn't he want to fight for the Kosovo cause? Being Daniel's wife has stated the government paid for Daniel's tour of Afghanistan from 1989-1992, I would say Daniel was a good teacher on how to fight enemies in the region. Remember, Afghanistan had "natives" who fought against the Soviets (which America funded) and many "Arabs" from Saudi Arabia, Kosovo {then Yugoslavia}and other nations fighting against the Soviets, in which the US claims not to have supported, yet fought alongside them, despite the groups "extreme Muslim" beliefs. Flashback again to 1990s, when the US was supporting Kosovo.
Keyword: International Terrorism
Ever heard of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)'s National Level Exercise 2009? It's happening right now, we're on day 2. Day One, these 8 (only 7 in custody) boneheads get arrested. Day Two, the neighbors say Daniel was a family man. Day Three...will Terrorist #8 strike? Hope not.
NLE 2009 According to FEMA:
FEMA's NLE 2009 will focus on intelligence and information sharing among intelligence and law enforcement communities, and between international, federal, regional, state, tribal, local and private sector participants.
The NLE 09 scenario will begin in the aftermath of a notional terrorist event outside of the United States, and exercise play will center on preventing subsequent efforts by the terrorists to enter the United States and carry out additional attacks. This scenario enables participating senior officials to focus on issues related to preventing terrorist events domestically and protecting U.S. critical infrastructure.
These alleged terrorists were indicted for advancing jihad outside of the US, prepared to be mujihadeen, recruited terrorists, raise money for terrorists and give them weapons. Read the indictment! Daniel is being accused of running an 8 man terrorist operation! If Daniel is so dangerous, why isn't all the terrorists he and the other 7 men trained, being arrested, or carrying out attacks. Oh, wait, terrorist # 8 is unidentified and in Pakistan.
NLE 09 will allow terrorism prevention efforts to proceed to a logical end (successful or not), with no requirement for response or recovery activities.
WHAT THE HELL AMERICA!?! THIS MAKES ME FURIOUS! FEMA's job is to carry RESPONSE and RECOVERY activities, why is this NATIONAL LEVEL EXERCISE, only focusing on PROTECTING and PREVENTING terrorist attacks? No wonder New Orleans got washed away! FEMA isn't doing anything to "practice" for humanitarian aid.
Through a comprehensive evaluation process, the exercise will assess prevention and protection capabilities both nationally and regionally. Although NLE 09 is still in the planning stages, the exercise is currently designed to validate the following capabilities:
Intelligence/Information Sharing and Dissemination
Counter-Terrorism Investigation and Law Enforcement
Air, Border and Maritime Security
Critical Infrastructure Protection
Public and Private Sector Alert/Notification and Security Advisories
International Coordination
Exercises such as NLE 09 are an important component of national preparedness, helping to build an integrated federal, state, tribal, local and private sector capability to prevent terrorist attacks, and rapidly and effectively respond to, and recover from, any terrorist attack or major disaster that occurs.
International coordination is required to validate the Homeland Security System. Call me stupid, but I thought the ARMY, MARINES, AIR FORCE, AND NATIONAL GUARD, were America's HOMELAND SECURITY. I love how FEMA states this exercise, or the practice of military tactics, is to respond and recover from terrorist attacks, yet in the same document states the exercise does NOT require response or recovery practice. Huh?!
Call me crazy but I see a pattern here. There is much evidence out there that the United States Military was engaging in "war games" on 9/11. This is why the military did not respond to reports of high-jacked airplanes.
On July 7, 2005, when London's "terrorist" bombings happened, there was an anti-terror drill going on in London.
But hey, I'm just a conspiracy nut. Right? Only time will tell.
When I read this story on the web, there were several other "documents" under the the "Documents" section in the blue box on the website. There were 7 separate indictment documents for each of the seven people, which basically read that the government's case against the defendant's contained evidence as allowed under the Foreign Intelligence law. Those documents are now unavailable. I regretfully did not print those documents, but each said the exact same thing about using foreign spies to charge these men of terrorism. Currently the full indictment against the men is on the website.
The indictment must be looked at carefully America. Go to and LOOK at these men, do they really, really look like terrorists to you? By the way terrorist suspect #8 is at large, and un-named in the indictment.

DANIEL PATRICK BOYD (white man name) a/k/a "Saifullah" (Muslim name) a US citizen.

HYSEN SHERIFI, a native of Kosovo and legal permanent resident of the US.


ZIYAD YAGHI a naturalized citizen of the US, meaning he wasn't born here.
NOT PICTURED: ANES SUBASIC, ZAKARIYA BOYD, a/k/a "ZAK", DYLAN BOYD, a/k/a MOHAMMED, and DEFENDANT BLANK, who is at large and believed to be in Pakistan. Why were the three other defendants' mugshots not posted? Why is #8 unidentified?
Daniel is accused of going to Pakistan and Afghanistan from 1989-1992 and receiving jihad training from terrorist camps. Following this training, Boyd fought against the Soviet Union in Afghanistan. Please read the history of the Soviet War. In short, in 1979 Afghanistan was a communist government, the mujahadeen were anti-communist rebels, in which the American CIA helped, a/k/a "provided material support to terrorists", in order to fight against the Soviet Union. The Communist government asked the Soviets to send in some troops and tanks to help fight against the American-backed mujahadeen. Read it here.
Guess who else was in Afghanistan fighting against the Soviet Union? Osama bin Laden, but of course bin Laden was not fighting for democracy, he was for the Taliban to replace Communist Russia. Bin Laden HATES America, why would he fight alongside America against the Soviets? IN THE NAME OF JIHAD! A HOLY WAR! TWO SIDES AGAINST ONE ENEMY!
Back to Daniel's indictment, Daniel's wife told FOXNews in North Carolina that the GOVERNMENT funded her husband's tour in Afghanistan in 1989-1992. It may sound unbelievable, but the evidence is there that America funded a democratic faction of Afghanistan and Pakistan from about 1972-1992.
Turn on the TV! The media is focusing on Daniel aka Saifallah as the ringleader. Just as Osama bin Laden is accused of being the ringleader of 9/11, yet there are NO CHARGES AGAINST BIN LADEN FOR 9/11. Why? The FBI says there is not enough evidence.
Just as reading this indictment, which many Americans will never do, or have the chance, there is not enough evidence against these men.
Daniel went to Gaza and ATTEMPTED to enter Palestine to introduce his son to other jihad supporters. How is this man indicted on attempting to enter a country? Obviously he wasn't successful, so where is the material support?
Ziyad went to Jordan in October 2006 to engage in violent jihad. The Feds need to show me a videotape of this man fighting in order to convince America how terrible Ziyad is, and the media will be showing this video shortly, if not then, where is the evidence?
Daniel bought two guns in November of 2006. So now Americans who buy 2 guns at one time can be indicted for providing support to terrorists?
Four of the terrorists went to israel in June of 2007, and returned to the US in July 2007 after "failed attempt to engage in violent jihad." Wonder what evidence will be presented? How is going to israel a sign of terrorism? Muslims sympathize with Palestinians, just as Americans donate money to Africa, therefore any American Muslim who supports Palestinian causes are TERRORISTS. The rest of the allegations in Count One is nothing but emails, coded conversations, and donated money all being done in the name of violent jihad.
Example, straight from the indictment, "In November 2008, Hysen stated "everything is going as planned", and that he had "good news", "Allah has opened a way for me." The recipient of the statement believed this to be a reference to engaging in violent jihad." What the hell? According to the indictment Hysen was in Kosovo to do violent jihad. Just by reading his email, it sounds like he was on a spiritual journey. There are several holy mosques in Kosovo in which Muslims pilgrim to throughout their life time. Not to mention Kosovo has been fighting a civil war since about 1991, and many Muslims feel the need to support their Muslim brothers and sisters rebuild after war. Just as Christians donate to their own religious causes. This man is being persecuted because he is Muslim. Period.
The evidence presented here is the same as above, and additionally, 3 of the terrorists practiced military tactics on Daniel's property in Caswell County, NC. Basically this says anyone who wants run a self defense drill on their own property, is a suspected terrorists. C'mon America!! This is how the government will slowly, but surely, place this country under military control, by accusing Americans of terrorism because they exercise their right to self-defense and the right to bear arms.
Daniel received a Bushmaster M4A3 and ammunition through interstate commerce in November of 2006.
Daniel, Hysen, and Zak (Daniel's son), the three who were practicing military tactics on June 10, 2009, on private property, possessed firearms to practice military tactics. Hysen was in Kosovo from July 2008 to about April 2009 and within three months this man is behind bars for terrorism charges. Hysen is a native of Kosovo, why wouldn't he want to fight for the Kosovo cause? Being Daniel's wife has stated the government paid for Daniel's tour of Afghanistan from 1989-1992, I would say Daniel was a good teacher on how to fight enemies in the region. Remember, Afghanistan had "natives" who fought against the Soviets (which America funded) and many "Arabs" from Saudi Arabia, Kosovo {then Yugoslavia}and other nations fighting against the Soviets, in which the US claims not to have supported, yet fought alongside them, despite the groups "extreme Muslim" beliefs. Flashback again to 1990s, when the US was supporting Kosovo.
Keyword: International Terrorism
Ever heard of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)'s National Level Exercise 2009? It's happening right now, we're on day 2. Day One, these 8 (only 7 in custody) boneheads get arrested. Day Two, the neighbors say Daniel was a family man. Day Three...will Terrorist #8 strike? Hope not.
NLE 2009 According to FEMA:
FEMA's NLE 2009 will focus on intelligence and information sharing among intelligence and law enforcement communities, and between international, federal, regional, state, tribal, local and private sector participants.
The NLE 09 scenario will begin in the aftermath of a notional terrorist event outside of the United States, and exercise play will center on preventing subsequent efforts by the terrorists to enter the United States and carry out additional attacks. This scenario enables participating senior officials to focus on issues related to preventing terrorist events domestically and protecting U.S. critical infrastructure.
These alleged terrorists were indicted for advancing jihad outside of the US, prepared to be mujihadeen, recruited terrorists, raise money for terrorists and give them weapons. Read the indictment! Daniel is being accused of running an 8 man terrorist operation! If Daniel is so dangerous, why isn't all the terrorists he and the other 7 men trained, being arrested, or carrying out attacks. Oh, wait, terrorist # 8 is unidentified and in Pakistan.
NLE 09 will allow terrorism prevention efforts to proceed to a logical end (successful or not), with no requirement for response or recovery activities.
WHAT THE HELL AMERICA!?! THIS MAKES ME FURIOUS! FEMA's job is to carry RESPONSE and RECOVERY activities, why is this NATIONAL LEVEL EXERCISE, only focusing on PROTECTING and PREVENTING terrorist attacks? No wonder New Orleans got washed away! FEMA isn't doing anything to "practice" for humanitarian aid.
Through a comprehensive evaluation process, the exercise will assess prevention and protection capabilities both nationally and regionally. Although NLE 09 is still in the planning stages, the exercise is currently designed to validate the following capabilities:
Intelligence/Information Sharing and Dissemination
Counter-Terrorism Investigation and Law Enforcement
Air, Border and Maritime Security
Critical Infrastructure Protection
Public and Private Sector Alert/Notification and Security Advisories
International Coordination
Exercises such as NLE 09 are an important component of national preparedness, helping to build an integrated federal, state, tribal, local and private sector capability to prevent terrorist attacks, and rapidly and effectively respond to, and recover from, any terrorist attack or major disaster that occurs.
International coordination is required to validate the Homeland Security System. Call me stupid, but I thought the ARMY, MARINES, AIR FORCE, AND NATIONAL GUARD, were America's HOMELAND SECURITY. I love how FEMA states this exercise, or the practice of military tactics, is to respond and recover from terrorist attacks, yet in the same document states the exercise does NOT require response or recovery practice. Huh?!
Call me crazy but I see a pattern here. There is much evidence out there that the United States Military was engaging in "war games" on 9/11. This is why the military did not respond to reports of high-jacked airplanes.
On July 7, 2005, when London's "terrorist" bombings happened, there was an anti-terror drill going on in London.
But hey, I'm just a conspiracy nut. Right? Only time will tell.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Another shooting, at the Holocaust Museum happened yesterday. Of course, the "suspected" shooter, who has not even been publicly identified by the police, is being painted as an anti-government, racist veteran who has a history of anger.
The government controlled media is drum rolling for....MORE GUN LAWS. So, if you got any extra cash laying around, now is a great time to buy guns and ammo.
Why? Simple, let's review this shooting. The shooter, Von Brunn, who is just a suspect, and has not been arrested (some reports say he is in the hospital due to a gunshot wound), is being portrayed in the typical "bad guy" fashion. Von Brunn, is 88 (a little old to be shooting up a Holocaust Museum), and a WWII veteran (attacking veterans and labeling them as a threat to Homeland Security is very popular in the news). Von Brunn also attempted a citizen's arrest on the Federal Reserve Board of Governors, in the 80s, because he believed the Federal Reserve was responsible for the bad economy and high interest rates. far there are 213 sponsors of the Audit the Federal Reserve Bill (who has never been audited since 1913)...does that mean those of us who feel the Federal Reserve should be audited, and perhaps shutdown, are suspected terrorists now? Let's not forget Von Brunn is a white supremacist, who spent time in the great state of Idaho (remember that is where Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols, the (framed) Oklahoma City Bombers lived as well).
All of the above information was obtained by the news media from a website that is REPORTEDLY (not to be confused with FACTUALLY) authored by Von Brunn. I don't believe this sack of b.s.
Read the news! Von Brunn has been a suspected hate-crime offender for years, yet the agencies monitoring him had no clue this guy was going to illegally obtain a gun and shoot a security guard at a Holocaust Museum?
I don't think this guy was anti-Semite at all. It's true our country is run by Zionist Jews, who control the military, and Federal Reserve. Though I don't hate Jews, I feel these Jews have way to much control over our country. Rev. Jeremiah Wright even agrees.
America, this is nothing but an attempt to make each of every one of you FEARFUL. The media is going to shove this guy's story in your face, every day, along with all the other shootings this year, to convince you that GUN LAWS NEED TO BE TOUGHER. The public relations campaign to make us Americans feel gun restrictions should be stricter, has begun. You Americans are going to report white supremacists, and those who hate Jews and Israel, because you are going to believe they are a danger to your safety. You American sheeple will begin cutting ties with outspoken anti-government Americans, like myself, because you will be convinced I am a terrorist. You scared little chicks will start donating money to help the veterans, because those veterans need help, or else they might go nuts and shoot up a place. The media is going to make you Americans beg plead for tougher gun laws, especially since Von Brunn was a felon, and felons can't have guns.
Glenn Beck, the most popular anti-Liberty Movement guy on TV, has connected Von Brunn with the 9/11 Truth Movement. “Our country is now vulnerable,” Beck declares. “Those people who would like to destroy us — our enemies like Al Qaeda. They’d like to destroy us, and they will work with anyone. There are also people like white supremacists or 9/11 truthers that would also like to destroy the country. They’ll work with anybody they can.”
The 9/11 Truth Movement is gaining momentum. 9/11 was an inside job. Here are the facts:
Six months before the 9/11 attacks the World Trade Center was "privatized" by being leased to a private sector developer. The lease was purchased by the Silverstein Group for $3.2 billion. "This is a dream come true," Larry Silverstein said. "We will be in control of a prized asset, and we will seek to develop its potential, raising it to new heights."
From an economic standpoint, the trade center -- subsidized since its inception -- has never functioned, nor was it intended to function, unprotected in the rough-and-tumble real estate marketplace. (meaning not to be privatized) [BusinessWeek]
It was well-known by the city of New York that the WTC was an asbestos bombshell. For years, the Port Authority treated the building like an aging dinosaur, attempting on several occasions to get permits to demolish the building for liability reasons, but being turned down due the known asbestos problem. Further, it was well-known the only reason the building was still standing until 9/11 was because it was too costly to disassemble the twin towers floor by floor since the Port Authority was prohibited legally from demolishing the buildings. [Arctic Beacon]
Under a pending agreement, a developer and his investors will get back most of the down payment that they made to lease the World Trade Center just six weeks before a terrorist attack destroyed the twin towers. Developer Larry Silverstein and investors Lloyd Goldman and Joseph Cayre are nearing a deal that would give them about $98 million of their original investment of $124 million, The New York Times reported Saturday. [MontereyHerald 11/22/2003]
A federal jury on Monday ruled that the assault on the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center was in fact two occurrences for insurance purposes. The finding in U.S. District Court in Manhattan means leaseholder Larry Silverstein may collect up to $4.6 billion, according to reports. [ 12/06/04]
So, Silverstein (a rich Jew) invested about 124 million, yet is getting 4.6 BILLION from insurance. Not to mention, Silverstein admitted on a PBS documentary, America Rebuilds, that the fires in building 7 were uncontrable, and he said, "I remember getting a call from the, er, fire department commander, telling me that they were not sure they were gonna be able to contain the fire, and I said, "We've had such terrible loss of life, maybe the smartest thing to do is pull it." And they made that decision to pull and we watched the building collapse."
What was in Building 7?
Salomon Smith Barney, Financial Inst.
IRS Regional Council, Government
U.S. Secret Service, Government
C.I.A., Government
American Express Bank International, Financial Institution
Standard Chartered Bank, Financial Institution
Provident Financial Management, Financial Institution
ITT Hartford Insurance Group, [Insurance]
First State Management Group, Inc, Insurance
Federal Home Loan Bank, Financial Institution
NAIC Securities, Insurance
Securities & Exchange Commission, Government
Mayor's Office of Emergency Mgmt, Government
Not to mention, Shepard Smith's defense of the Department of Homeland's Security statement that extreme right-wingers will attack America. “We got this warning from Homeland Security,” Smith responded, “and at the time — I mean, the right went absolutely bonkers.” He quoted from an email he had just received, saying, “Shame on you and Catherine Herridge for perpetrating the obscene Department of Homeland Security report on military extremists.”
“This is a former military guy, and he’s gone extremist {referring to Von Brunn},” Smith said firmly, shaking his head. “They were warning us for a reason. They see signs that this sort of thing is bubbling up.”
THE GOVERNMENT IS WARNING US BECAUSE THE GOVERNMENT IS BEHIND THESE ATTACKS! C'mon folks, if the government is "infiltrating" domestic terrorist groups, that means those government spies are a part of the uprising, and the "terror". NOTHING IS BEING DONE TO STOP DOMESTIC ATTACKS. Why?
DIVIDE AND CONQUER. Hopefully we Americans won't break out into a civil war, but this looks like the case. Whites are pissed because a black man is president, Blacks are fearful the Whites will rebel against Obama because he is Black, the Jews are now scared to go to the Holocaust Museum, the immigrant Hispanic population wants amnesty (many spanish language television are already calling for the Mexicans reclaim America, watch ENDGAME) All of this is being financed by and ran by the government that is "protecting" people and infiltrating these groups, when in reality they are pushing our country to civil war.
The "lone wolf" is a danger to America. Von Brunn was a "lone wolf", a bad guy who works alone...that means the government needs YOU to turn in these people. Fear mongering at it's best.
The white supremacy movement is, according to ABC News, using Obama's election to further their hate cause.
Since when?
The United States Government is a danger to America. (caution I'm about to label myself a terrorist by these statements) Fact: The US has more of it's citizens behind bars than dictatorships like China(1 in every 100 Americans is behind bars). Fact: American taxpayers kill "terrorists" playing soccer, and attending weddings in Iraq and Afghanistan thru their continued support of the War on Terror.
America only kills terrorists. If America kills you, you are a terrorist.
Americans are the salt of the earth. They never do any wrong. Only those other people do. Not the Israelis, of course.
And police, prosecutors, and juries never make mistakes. Everyone accused is guilty.
Fear has made every American a suspect, eroded our rights, and compromised our humanity, turning mothers against sons, brothers against sisters, neighbor against neighbor.
The war is not what the media portrays it to be, it's not the US vs. Terrorists, it's the US Government, Inc. vs. THE FAMILY.
The government controlled media is drum rolling for....MORE GUN LAWS. So, if you got any extra cash laying around, now is a great time to buy guns and ammo.
Why? Simple, let's review this shooting. The shooter, Von Brunn, who is just a suspect, and has not been arrested (some reports say he is in the hospital due to a gunshot wound), is being portrayed in the typical "bad guy" fashion. Von Brunn, is 88 (a little old to be shooting up a Holocaust Museum), and a WWII veteran (attacking veterans and labeling them as a threat to Homeland Security is very popular in the news). Von Brunn also attempted a citizen's arrest on the Federal Reserve Board of Governors, in the 80s, because he believed the Federal Reserve was responsible for the bad economy and high interest rates. far there are 213 sponsors of the Audit the Federal Reserve Bill (who has never been audited since 1913)...does that mean those of us who feel the Federal Reserve should be audited, and perhaps shutdown, are suspected terrorists now? Let's not forget Von Brunn is a white supremacist, who spent time in the great state of Idaho (remember that is where Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols, the (framed) Oklahoma City Bombers lived as well).
All of the above information was obtained by the news media from a website that is REPORTEDLY (not to be confused with FACTUALLY) authored by Von Brunn. I don't believe this sack of b.s.
Read the news! Von Brunn has been a suspected hate-crime offender for years, yet the agencies monitoring him had no clue this guy was going to illegally obtain a gun and shoot a security guard at a Holocaust Museum?
I don't think this guy was anti-Semite at all. It's true our country is run by Zionist Jews, who control the military, and Federal Reserve. Though I don't hate Jews, I feel these Jews have way to much control over our country. Rev. Jeremiah Wright even agrees.
America, this is nothing but an attempt to make each of every one of you FEARFUL. The media is going to shove this guy's story in your face, every day, along with all the other shootings this year, to convince you that GUN LAWS NEED TO BE TOUGHER. The public relations campaign to make us Americans feel gun restrictions should be stricter, has begun. You Americans are going to report white supremacists, and those who hate Jews and Israel, because you are going to believe they are a danger to your safety. You American sheeple will begin cutting ties with outspoken anti-government Americans, like myself, because you will be convinced I am a terrorist. You scared little chicks will start donating money to help the veterans, because those veterans need help, or else they might go nuts and shoot up a place. The media is going to make you Americans beg plead for tougher gun laws, especially since Von Brunn was a felon, and felons can't have guns.
Glenn Beck, the most popular anti-Liberty Movement guy on TV, has connected Von Brunn with the 9/11 Truth Movement. “Our country is now vulnerable,” Beck declares. “Those people who would like to destroy us — our enemies like Al Qaeda. They’d like to destroy us, and they will work with anyone. There are also people like white supremacists or 9/11 truthers that would also like to destroy the country. They’ll work with anybody they can.”
The 9/11 Truth Movement is gaining momentum. 9/11 was an inside job. Here are the facts:
Six months before the 9/11 attacks the World Trade Center was "privatized" by being leased to a private sector developer. The lease was purchased by the Silverstein Group for $3.2 billion. "This is a dream come true," Larry Silverstein said. "We will be in control of a prized asset, and we will seek to develop its potential, raising it to new heights."
From an economic standpoint, the trade center -- subsidized since its inception -- has never functioned, nor was it intended to function, unprotected in the rough-and-tumble real estate marketplace. (meaning not to be privatized) [BusinessWeek]
It was well-known by the city of New York that the WTC was an asbestos bombshell. For years, the Port Authority treated the building like an aging dinosaur, attempting on several occasions to get permits to demolish the building for liability reasons, but being turned down due the known asbestos problem. Further, it was well-known the only reason the building was still standing until 9/11 was because it was too costly to disassemble the twin towers floor by floor since the Port Authority was prohibited legally from demolishing the buildings. [Arctic Beacon]
Under a pending agreement, a developer and his investors will get back most of the down payment that they made to lease the World Trade Center just six weeks before a terrorist attack destroyed the twin towers. Developer Larry Silverstein and investors Lloyd Goldman and Joseph Cayre are nearing a deal that would give them about $98 million of their original investment of $124 million, The New York Times reported Saturday. [MontereyHerald 11/22/2003]
A federal jury on Monday ruled that the assault on the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center was in fact two occurrences for insurance purposes. The finding in U.S. District Court in Manhattan means leaseholder Larry Silverstein may collect up to $4.6 billion, according to reports. [ 12/06/04]
So, Silverstein (a rich Jew) invested about 124 million, yet is getting 4.6 BILLION from insurance. Not to mention, Silverstein admitted on a PBS documentary, America Rebuilds, that the fires in building 7 were uncontrable, and he said, "I remember getting a call from the, er, fire department commander, telling me that they were not sure they were gonna be able to contain the fire, and I said, "We've had such terrible loss of life, maybe the smartest thing to do is pull it." And they made that decision to pull and we watched the building collapse."
What was in Building 7?
Salomon Smith Barney, Financial Inst.
IRS Regional Council, Government
U.S. Secret Service, Government
C.I.A., Government
American Express Bank International, Financial Institution
Standard Chartered Bank, Financial Institution
Provident Financial Management, Financial Institution
ITT Hartford Insurance Group, [Insurance]
First State Management Group, Inc, Insurance
Federal Home Loan Bank, Financial Institution
NAIC Securities, Insurance
Securities & Exchange Commission, Government
Mayor's Office of Emergency Mgmt, Government
Not to mention, Shepard Smith's defense of the Department of Homeland's Security statement that extreme right-wingers will attack America. “We got this warning from Homeland Security,” Smith responded, “and at the time — I mean, the right went absolutely bonkers.” He quoted from an email he had just received, saying, “Shame on you and Catherine Herridge for perpetrating the obscene Department of Homeland Security report on military extremists.”
“This is a former military guy, and he’s gone extremist {referring to Von Brunn},” Smith said firmly, shaking his head. “They were warning us for a reason. They see signs that this sort of thing is bubbling up.”
THE GOVERNMENT IS WARNING US BECAUSE THE GOVERNMENT IS BEHIND THESE ATTACKS! C'mon folks, if the government is "infiltrating" domestic terrorist groups, that means those government spies are a part of the uprising, and the "terror". NOTHING IS BEING DONE TO STOP DOMESTIC ATTACKS. Why?
DIVIDE AND CONQUER. Hopefully we Americans won't break out into a civil war, but this looks like the case. Whites are pissed because a black man is president, Blacks are fearful the Whites will rebel against Obama because he is Black, the Jews are now scared to go to the Holocaust Museum, the immigrant Hispanic population wants amnesty (many spanish language television are already calling for the Mexicans reclaim America, watch ENDGAME) All of this is being financed by and ran by the government that is "protecting" people and infiltrating these groups, when in reality they are pushing our country to civil war.
The "lone wolf" is a danger to America. Von Brunn was a "lone wolf", a bad guy who works alone...that means the government needs YOU to turn in these people. Fear mongering at it's best.
The white supremacy movement is, according to ABC News, using Obama's election to further their hate cause.
Since when?
The United States Government is a danger to America. (caution I'm about to label myself a terrorist by these statements) Fact: The US has more of it's citizens behind bars than dictatorships like China(1 in every 100 Americans is behind bars). Fact: American taxpayers kill "terrorists" playing soccer, and attending weddings in Iraq and Afghanistan thru their continued support of the War on Terror.
America only kills terrorists. If America kills you, you are a terrorist.
Americans are the salt of the earth. They never do any wrong. Only those other people do. Not the Israelis, of course.
And police, prosecutors, and juries never make mistakes. Everyone accused is guilty.
Fear has made every American a suspect, eroded our rights, and compromised our humanity, turning mothers against sons, brothers against sisters, neighbor against neighbor.
The war is not what the media portrays it to be, it's not the US vs. Terrorists, it's the US Government, Inc. vs. THE FAMILY.

9/11 truth movement,
civil war,
gun laws,
new world order,
Friday, April 3, 2009
Odds N Ends
It's already becoming a big year for regulation, and an even bigger year for big government.
Here is one example, the raising of the federal cigarette tax to $2.00, from 0.39 a pack. Now, for every cigarette smoked, the government gets a nickel. Of course, I am from North Carolina, the nation's top tobacco producer, and I am a smoker. However, how in the hell does the GOVERNMENT have a right to raise taxes on "sinful" products? The states should be the ONLY government allowed to regulate, and raise taxes on cigarettes, and alcohol. The government has turned into the pleasure police. Federal officials state the raise in taxes will "help people quit this bad, unhealthy habit."
Excuse me, but I, as a free individual, do not need the federal government's high cigarette tax to "help" me quit smoking. I chose to smoke nasty, cancer sticks, because it gives me pleasure. When I'm good and ready to stop, I will. The federal government has no business regulating companies out of business, just because it is unhealthy.
If the government feels it can "help" smokers, then I see a new tax hike on alcohol coming, so that the Americans will stop drinking. Perhaps, a tax hike on tanning beds (they cause cancer) is in order. Why not a tax hike on food sold at McDonald's, Burger King, and Pizza Hut? I mean obesity is the #1 health problem in America...we need higher taxes on sodas even!
To all you non-smokers out there, who feel there is nothing wrong with raising cigarette taxes, because it's "bad" for those of us who freely chose to smoke, beware, soon enough you'll be paying higher taxes for things you enjoy, yet is unhealthy for you.
The Charlotte Mecklenburg Police had a bad week. One officer of the law decided it was a good idea to drive down the road, going 90 miles per hour, with no lights on, and ended up hitting and killing a 20 year old innocent woman. This is the third person a Charlotte Mecklenburg Policeman has killed in the last 9 years, due to high speeds.
The officer in this wreck, whose name has not been made public, has had 3 speeding tickets in the last 2 years. Of course, Police Chief Rodney Monroe, contends that a "thorough" investigation will be done. What the hell is the Police Department doing investigating THEMSELVES? NO, NO, NO, I say, this is when the State Bureau of Investigation should be involved.
Most importantly, an officer of the law, who has had 3 speeding tickets, should be put on probation, have his gun taken away, and put behind a desk for at least one year. Why? Because officers have the public's trust in their hands. We the people give our officers a gun, and trust their decision making skills, to not shoot everyone, not speed unnecessarily, and not harass innocent people. If an officer, on his free time, makes a decision to speed 3 times (at least those 3 times he got caught, it may be more), the officer is NOT responsible, and should NOT be on patrol, with a gun. Period. Hence, now officer fantastic killed an innocent 20 year old woman, because he lacks proper maturity and responsibility. Instead of raising taxes, the government should be raising police department standards!
The American Family. Do you ever get the feeling we all just pretend to like each other? It seems to me, that family loves you the most when you're down and out. They give you money, invite you over for dinner, and call to offer their help. Yet, when the going gets good, the relationship turns sour. You start succeeding, and all of the sudden you don't get phone calls anymore, no money, and they open Christmas gifts before you arrive (but save yours for you to open when you get there).
What's more, is the pure deception in families. There is always one side against the other. It is never the same folks against the others, the alliances change as the circumstances change. There is no love between women in families. Only jealousy remains.
Family solution, to keep everyone together, and actually develop love: start family traditions. Instead of everyone sitting around the tube, and talking about all the stuff we bought at the store, why don't families start playing games, cooking meals, cooking desserts, fixing cars, doing yard work, start a family scrapbook...anything that develops actual love and respect between individuals, instead of jealousy (what did you buy, what are you going to buy, where are you going to travel, what great thing you did on an individual basis...etc.)
I may be a bit of a Debbie-Downer at some family functions, because I simply don't buy a lot and I certainly don't run marathons or coach sports teams. So does that make me lazy? That make me poor? Am I mean? I know some family may think I am unhealthy, too skinny, and a nasty smoker. You know what, I'm happy. I don't need a social validation activity to make me feel "acceptable" to others. I don't enjoy running or exercise. I like walks, hikes, and picnics. I like to talk about politics and religion, because it helps me grow as person. I like conversations with my family that is actually important, that helps us all in our lives and our philosophy.
What gets me, is the very people who laugh at me when they see me running and playing with kids, are the ones NOT running or playing with their kids. By themselves, yes, but not with their kids. The same people who laugh at me and say I'm full of myself, and stuck up, are the same ones flashing photos of their new big house, and bragging on their big screen TV. Who are you to judge me? Who are you to throw rocks at me, when you do the exact same things you accuse, and hate on me, for doing?
One simple answer remains: validation. You have the great health, the great cars, great furniture, big house, big TV, yet you're not happy. You still have to find someone (me) to dislike and pass judgment on, because you don't love yourself. You aren't happy with all your material wealth. And you will never be happy, with all you material wealth, unless and until you love and accept who you are. I'm not in a contest with anyone, it's not a competition to me. This is life, live it, love it, and forget about it!
Here is one example, the raising of the federal cigarette tax to $2.00, from 0.39 a pack. Now, for every cigarette smoked, the government gets a nickel. Of course, I am from North Carolina, the nation's top tobacco producer, and I am a smoker. However, how in the hell does the GOVERNMENT have a right to raise taxes on "sinful" products? The states should be the ONLY government allowed to regulate, and raise taxes on cigarettes, and alcohol. The government has turned into the pleasure police. Federal officials state the raise in taxes will "help people quit this bad, unhealthy habit."
Excuse me, but I, as a free individual, do not need the federal government's high cigarette tax to "help" me quit smoking. I chose to smoke nasty, cancer sticks, because it gives me pleasure. When I'm good and ready to stop, I will. The federal government has no business regulating companies out of business, just because it is unhealthy.
If the government feels it can "help" smokers, then I see a new tax hike on alcohol coming, so that the Americans will stop drinking. Perhaps, a tax hike on tanning beds (they cause cancer) is in order. Why not a tax hike on food sold at McDonald's, Burger King, and Pizza Hut? I mean obesity is the #1 health problem in America...we need higher taxes on sodas even!
To all you non-smokers out there, who feel there is nothing wrong with raising cigarette taxes, because it's "bad" for those of us who freely chose to smoke, beware, soon enough you'll be paying higher taxes for things you enjoy, yet is unhealthy for you.
The Charlotte Mecklenburg Police had a bad week. One officer of the law decided it was a good idea to drive down the road, going 90 miles per hour, with no lights on, and ended up hitting and killing a 20 year old innocent woman. This is the third person a Charlotte Mecklenburg Policeman has killed in the last 9 years, due to high speeds.
The officer in this wreck, whose name has not been made public, has had 3 speeding tickets in the last 2 years. Of course, Police Chief Rodney Monroe, contends that a "thorough" investigation will be done. What the hell is the Police Department doing investigating THEMSELVES? NO, NO, NO, I say, this is when the State Bureau of Investigation should be involved.
Most importantly, an officer of the law, who has had 3 speeding tickets, should be put on probation, have his gun taken away, and put behind a desk for at least one year. Why? Because officers have the public's trust in their hands. We the people give our officers a gun, and trust their decision making skills, to not shoot everyone, not speed unnecessarily, and not harass innocent people. If an officer, on his free time, makes a decision to speed 3 times (at least those 3 times he got caught, it may be more), the officer is NOT responsible, and should NOT be on patrol, with a gun. Period. Hence, now officer fantastic killed an innocent 20 year old woman, because he lacks proper maturity and responsibility. Instead of raising taxes, the government should be raising police department standards!
The American Family. Do you ever get the feeling we all just pretend to like each other? It seems to me, that family loves you the most when you're down and out. They give you money, invite you over for dinner, and call to offer their help. Yet, when the going gets good, the relationship turns sour. You start succeeding, and all of the sudden you don't get phone calls anymore, no money, and they open Christmas gifts before you arrive (but save yours for you to open when you get there).
What's more, is the pure deception in families. There is always one side against the other. It is never the same folks against the others, the alliances change as the circumstances change. There is no love between women in families. Only jealousy remains.
Family solution, to keep everyone together, and actually develop love: start family traditions. Instead of everyone sitting around the tube, and talking about all the stuff we bought at the store, why don't families start playing games, cooking meals, cooking desserts, fixing cars, doing yard work, start a family scrapbook...anything that develops actual love and respect between individuals, instead of jealousy (what did you buy, what are you going to buy, where are you going to travel, what great thing you did on an individual basis...etc.)
I may be a bit of a Debbie-Downer at some family functions, because I simply don't buy a lot and I certainly don't run marathons or coach sports teams. So does that make me lazy? That make me poor? Am I mean? I know some family may think I am unhealthy, too skinny, and a nasty smoker. You know what, I'm happy. I don't need a social validation activity to make me feel "acceptable" to others. I don't enjoy running or exercise. I like walks, hikes, and picnics. I like to talk about politics and religion, because it helps me grow as person. I like conversations with my family that is actually important, that helps us all in our lives and our philosophy.
What gets me, is the very people who laugh at me when they see me running and playing with kids, are the ones NOT running or playing with their kids. By themselves, yes, but not with their kids. The same people who laugh at me and say I'm full of myself, and stuck up, are the same ones flashing photos of their new big house, and bragging on their big screen TV. Who are you to judge me? Who are you to throw rocks at me, when you do the exact same things you accuse, and hate on me, for doing?
One simple answer remains: validation. You have the great health, the great cars, great furniture, big house, big TV, yet you're not happy. You still have to find someone (me) to dislike and pass judgment on, because you don't love yourself. You aren't happy with all your material wealth. And you will never be happy, with all you material wealth, unless and until you love and accept who you are. I'm not in a contest with anyone, it's not a competition to me. This is life, live it, love it, and forget about it!
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Your nightly news source, is not really a source at all. Americans are getting their news from talking heads. The newscaster sits in front of the camera, and tells you the "news", many times without any facts, or any opposing points of views. The news tells you it is fact, and you believe it, unfortunately. I hold a Bachelor's of Mass Communications, I was not taught to report news, I was taught to find news, expose truths, and keep the public well-informed.
Example One: Asteroid 42,000 Miles From Earth
So, NBC News reports on this asteroid, with no pictures, no interviews with those who saw the asteroid, no none of that objective reporting. You the viewer are expected to believe, as the newscaster says, "They, the ones who tell us these things". "They" aren't even defined! We could be believing monkeys, for all we know! The real source of this information is not even made known. Weird.
Example Two: Saving the Whales
This is a one-sided story, that shows a group of people, polluting the ocean in their boats, chasing whales and "tracking" them. The best part is when the people save one whale who got its mouth caught on a line. Why save it? There are a lot of ropes, and unfortunately a lot of garbage floating in the ocean. So why is man trying to save moron whales? The report even says, one or two whales a year get caught up in fish nets, but this year it's up to five. These whales are dumb, and should not be kept alive. It is apart of natural selection, the whales dumb enough to get wrapped up in fish nets, should pass away. But no!! Man, the whales only natural predator, should save the whales, by chasing them with boats that pollute the ocean, and saving the moron whales, interfering with nature. No wonder more whales are getting caught on ropes, there are more moron whales swimming around, thanks to the heroic intervention of mankind! HOORAY!
Example Three: Bailouts need a chance
Seriously? Where is the off-camera interview with the Congressmen? Is there an opposing point of view? I don't know about you, but every single person I talk to about bailouts, HATE THE BAILOUTS, and believe WE CANNOT SPEND OUR WAY INTO PROSPERITY. Where are these points of view in this newscast? And how the hell can the Federal Reserve Chairman, THE MAN on US Monetary Policy (because the Fed prints the money) HAVE NO IDEA WHAT OUR COUNTRY'S BORROWING LIMITS ARE? That's because, ladies and gentlemen, this man is THE BANK. He is the spokesperson for all the big banks lending our country all these billions of dollars. Basically, the bankers have not set a credit limit for American taxpayers. We the taxpayers (or our children and grandchildren) will pay back this debt in the years to come. Of course the banks want us to borrow more, that's more interest money for them in the long run! Not to mention, there was not even one single camera shot of the Treasury Secretary being questioned by Congress. We are told by the newswoman, the Treasury Secretary was there, answering questions, but the public is not given any clue as to what answers were given. This is nothing but propaganda: Bernake says more money is needed to save the economy and the economy went to hell in a hand basket because of a lack of government regulations. Which, makes the viewer believe the solution is to spend more money on bailouts and make more rules on investors, more rules, mean less people/investors that are able to follow the rules, which translates to less people/investors getting the opportunity to make money on the stock market. Government regulation regulates the poor, and make the rich richer!!
Example Four: US vs. Russia
Watch CBS Videos Online
Obama writes a letter to Russian President Medvedev, but the letter is not shown on the report. There are no direct quotes from the letter, just Obama shown on TV telling Americans that Russian cooperation is needed to stop Iranian missiles, and that the US MIGHT scraps plans for a missile defense system, if Russia helps stop Iranian missiles. Where is the report that Iran even has missiles? How do we know Iran has missiles? This information is not included in the newscast. The news tells the viewer Obama is changing from Bush's Russian policy agenda, and is attempting to open up a discussion on the matter. There isn't even an interview, or quote, with any Russian diplomat, so how do we know this letter even exists? There aren't any hard facts or evidence to support this, just talking heads. From my point of view, the US is looking to have Russia as an ally in the upcoming World War. Israel will attack Iran, and the US will back Israel, and the US is hoping Russia will be on the American side, and not the Iranians.
News--what news? The news is a myth, any invented story, idea, or concept, which is is believed to be true by the masses, all because it is on TV. No one questions the myth. How long will the sheeple sleep?
Example One: Asteroid 42,000 Miles From Earth
Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy
So, NBC News reports on this asteroid, with no pictures, no interviews with those who saw the asteroid, no none of that objective reporting. You the viewer are expected to believe, as the newscaster says, "They, the ones who tell us these things". "They" aren't even defined! We could be believing monkeys, for all we know! The real source of this information is not even made known. Weird.
Example Two: Saving the Whales
Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy
This is a one-sided story, that shows a group of people, polluting the ocean in their boats, chasing whales and "tracking" them. The best part is when the people save one whale who got its mouth caught on a line. Why save it? There are a lot of ropes, and unfortunately a lot of garbage floating in the ocean. So why is man trying to save moron whales? The report even says, one or two whales a year get caught up in fish nets, but this year it's up to five. These whales are dumb, and should not be kept alive. It is apart of natural selection, the whales dumb enough to get wrapped up in fish nets, should pass away. But no!! Man, the whales only natural predator, should save the whales, by chasing them with boats that pollute the ocean, and saving the moron whales, interfering with nature. No wonder more whales are getting caught on ropes, there are more moron whales swimming around, thanks to the heroic intervention of mankind! HOORAY!
Example Three: Bailouts need a chance
Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy
Seriously? Where is the off-camera interview with the Congressmen? Is there an opposing point of view? I don't know about you, but every single person I talk to about bailouts, HATE THE BAILOUTS, and believe WE CANNOT SPEND OUR WAY INTO PROSPERITY. Where are these points of view in this newscast? And how the hell can the Federal Reserve Chairman, THE MAN on US Monetary Policy (because the Fed prints the money) HAVE NO IDEA WHAT OUR COUNTRY'S BORROWING LIMITS ARE? That's because, ladies and gentlemen, this man is THE BANK. He is the spokesperson for all the big banks lending our country all these billions of dollars. Basically, the bankers have not set a credit limit for American taxpayers. We the taxpayers (or our children and grandchildren) will pay back this debt in the years to come. Of course the banks want us to borrow more, that's more interest money for them in the long run! Not to mention, there was not even one single camera shot of the Treasury Secretary being questioned by Congress. We are told by the newswoman, the Treasury Secretary was there, answering questions, but the public is not given any clue as to what answers were given. This is nothing but propaganda: Bernake says more money is needed to save the economy and the economy went to hell in a hand basket because of a lack of government regulations. Which, makes the viewer believe the solution is to spend more money on bailouts and make more rules on investors, more rules, mean less people/investors that are able to follow the rules, which translates to less people/investors getting the opportunity to make money on the stock market. Government regulation regulates the poor, and make the rich richer!!
Example Four: US vs. Russia
Watch CBS Videos Online
Obama writes a letter to Russian President Medvedev, but the letter is not shown on the report. There are no direct quotes from the letter, just Obama shown on TV telling Americans that Russian cooperation is needed to stop Iranian missiles, and that the US MIGHT scraps plans for a missile defense system, if Russia helps stop Iranian missiles. Where is the report that Iran even has missiles? How do we know Iran has missiles? This information is not included in the newscast. The news tells the viewer Obama is changing from Bush's Russian policy agenda, and is attempting to open up a discussion on the matter. There isn't even an interview, or quote, with any Russian diplomat, so how do we know this letter even exists? There aren't any hard facts or evidence to support this, just talking heads. From my point of view, the US is looking to have Russia as an ally in the upcoming World War. Israel will attack Iran, and the US will back Israel, and the US is hoping Russia will be on the American side, and not the Iranians.
News--what news? The news is a myth, any invented story, idea, or concept, which is is believed to be true by the masses, all because it is on TV. No one questions the myth. How long will the sheeple sleep?
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