Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Your nightly news source, is not really a source at all. Americans are getting their news from talking heads. The newscaster sits in front of the camera, and tells you the "news", many times without any facts, or any opposing points of views. The news tells you it is fact, and you believe it, unfortunately. I hold a Bachelor's of Mass Communications, I was not taught to report news, I was taught to find news, expose truths, and keep the public well-informed.

Example One: Asteroid 42,000 Miles From Earth

So, NBC News reports on this asteroid, with no pictures, no interviews with those who saw the asteroid, no none of that objective reporting. You the viewer are expected to believe, as the newscaster says, "They, the ones who tell us these things". "They" aren't even defined! We could be believing monkeys, for all we know! The real source of this information is not even made known. Weird.

Example Two: Saving the Whales

This is a one-sided story, that shows a group of people, polluting the ocean in their boats, chasing whales and "tracking" them. The best part is when the people save one whale who got its mouth caught on a line. Why save it? There are a lot of ropes, and unfortunately a lot of garbage floating in the ocean. So why is man trying to save moron whales? The report even says, one or two whales a year get caught up in fish nets, but this year it's up to five. These whales are dumb, and should not be kept alive. It is apart of natural selection, the whales dumb enough to get wrapped up in fish nets, should pass away. But no!! Man, the whales only natural predator, should save the whales, by chasing them with boats that pollute the ocean, and saving the moron whales, interfering with nature. No wonder more whales are getting caught on ropes, there are more moron whales swimming around, thanks to the heroic intervention of mankind! HOORAY!

Example Three: Bailouts need a chance

Seriously? Where is the off-camera interview with the Congressmen? Is there an opposing point of view? I don't know about you, but every single person I talk to about bailouts, HATE THE BAILOUTS, and believe WE CANNOT SPEND OUR WAY INTO PROSPERITY. Where are these points of view in this newscast? And how the hell can the Federal Reserve Chairman, THE MAN on US Monetary Policy (because the Fed prints the money) HAVE NO IDEA WHAT OUR COUNTRY'S BORROWING LIMITS ARE? That's because, ladies and gentlemen, this man is THE BANK. He is the spokesperson for all the big banks lending our country all these billions of dollars. Basically, the bankers have not set a credit limit for American taxpayers. We the taxpayers (or our children and grandchildren) will pay back this debt in the years to come. Of course the banks want us to borrow more, that's more interest money for them in the long run! Not to mention, there was not even one single camera shot of the Treasury Secretary being questioned by Congress. We are told by the newswoman, the Treasury Secretary was there, answering questions, but the public is not given any clue as to what answers were given. This is nothing but propaganda: Bernake says more money is needed to save the economy and the economy went to hell in a hand basket because of a lack of government regulations. Which, makes the viewer believe the solution is to spend more money on bailouts and make more rules on investors, more rules, mean less people/investors that are able to follow the rules, which translates to less people/investors getting the opportunity to make money on the stock market. Government regulation regulates the poor, and make the rich richer!!

Example Four: US vs. Russia

Watch CBS Videos Online

Obama writes a letter to Russian President Medvedev, but the letter is not shown on the report. There are no direct quotes from the letter, just Obama shown on TV telling Americans that Russian cooperation is needed to stop Iranian missiles, and that the US MIGHT scraps plans for a missile defense system, if Russia helps stop Iranian missiles. Where is the report that Iran even has missiles? How do we know Iran has missiles? This information is not included in the newscast. The news tells the viewer Obama is changing from Bush's Russian policy agenda, and is attempting to open up a discussion on the matter. There isn't even an interview, or quote, with any Russian diplomat, so how do we know this letter even exists? There aren't any hard facts or evidence to support this, just talking heads. From my point of view, the US is looking to have Russia as an ally in the upcoming World War. Israel will attack Iran, and the US will back Israel, and the US is hoping Russia will be on the American side, and not the Iranians.

News--what news? The news is a myth, any invented story, idea, or concept, which is is believed to be true by the masses, all because it is on TV. No one questions the myth. How long will the sheeple sleep?

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