Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Amen or Amun?

As a Christian, two questions have always remained in mind, thus causing my faith in Jesus, as the Lord Savior, to be in doubt. For one, the genealogy of Jesus differs in three books of the Bible. Secondly, Jesus disappears for 17 years in the Bible, with no explanation of where he went, what he did, nothing, we are expected to accept Jesus vanished from approximately age 12 to 29. Through some research, I have been enlightened.

Lineage of Jesus According to the Bible

Luke 3:23–31

Matthew 1:7–16
David (Father)-Bathsheba (Mother)

1 Chronicles 3:4–5,10–24
David (Father) - Bathsheba (Mother)
Solomon, Nathan, etc. ([8])
Pedaiah, Shealtiel, etc.
Zerubbabel (for Shealtiel Ezr 3:2 Neh 12:1 Hag 1:1)
Hodaviah, etc.

The Only Similarities:

Matthew 1:1–6 and Luke 3:32–34
Judah (Father) - Tamar (Mother)
Pharez (Perez)
Ram (Aram)
Salma (Salmon) (Father) - Rahab (Mother)
Boaz (Father) - Ruth (Mother)

Why are these family trees so different? Some biblical scholars contend the differences are because one book tells of the Joseph's side of the family, while the other tells of Mary's side. But what about 1 Chronicles?

Well, since we are all, including Jesus, sons and daughters of Abraham, let's look at Abraham. He is the beginning of Jesus' family tree. Abram lived for 175 years, and married his sister, Sarai. Sarai could not have any children, and urged Abram to have children with their maidservant, Hagar. Hagar gives birth to their son, Ishmael. For 13 years after Ishmael's birth, the Bible is silent on what happened.

When he was 99 years old the Lord gave Abram the covenant of circumcision and changed his name From Abram (exalted father) to Abraham (father of many). Sarai was now to be known as Sarah and would bear Abraham a son and heir, Isaac, at age 90. My problem with the covenant of circumcision, is that God is admitting he made a mistake by creating a penis with foreskin. Is it possible God made a mistake in creation? Back to this later...

After the birth of Isaac, Sarah had Hagar and Ishmael sent away. The Lord promised Abraham that he would take care of them and make Ishmael into a great nation. God tests Abraham by commanding him to sacrifice his son on Mount Moriah. Abraham obeys and at the last minute the Lord intervenes and provides his own sacrifice instead of Isaac. In response to Abraham’s obedience and faith the Lord repeats his promise concerning the great number of Abraham’s descendants.

Sarah dies at age 127. Abraham takes another wife: Keturah, who bears him six more sons: Zimran, Jokshan, Medan, Midian, Ishbak and Dedan, before dying at age 175.

Are we really to believe Abraham lived for 175 years? Sarah had a kid at age 90? God "tested" Abraham by asking him to sacrifice his son, but then comes and says, "just kidding?" Another huge hole in this story, is that NO ARCHEOLOGICAL EVIDENCE EXISTS THAT ABRAHAM LIVED FOR 175 YEARS. There is no evidence of this man, no ancient books, records or anything to support Abraham's life of 175 years, except for in the book of Genesis in the Bible. I find this too convenient and absolutely absurd.

The only historical evidence that does exist during Abraham's life (2166 BC-1991 BC) is Egyptian. Amenemhet I, the first pharaoh of the 12th Dynasty of Egypt. Amenemhet I's Horus name, Wehem-mesut, means "he who repeats births", and Amenemhet (Amenemhat) was his birth name and means "Amun is at the Head". Amun is the Egyptian sun god. Parallel to Abram, meaning exalted father, and Abraham, father of many.

The 12th Dynasty of Egyptian pharaoh's, dated 1991 to 1786 BC, was composed of a number of kings whose surnames were either Ammenemes or Senwosre, for the most part used alternately. This could explain how Abraham lived in the Bible for 175 years--the man himself didn't live that long, but his blood line did.

Amenemhet is argued to be Abraham in Joesph Smith's Book of Abraham. Smith founded the Mormon religion. This pharaoh was not of royal blood, and probably had three wives, just like Abraham, one being his sister Dedyet, just as Sarah could have been his sister. But because Amenemhet was not of royal blood, he had to marry into royal blood, that being Queen Nefru-totenen. Nefru-totenen is believed to have mothered Senusret I, the second pharaoh. Not much is known about Amenemhet because his valley tomb is not open to the public, nor can researchers enter the tomb, simply because an ancient Muslim cemetery is buried above it.

What we do know is the 12th Dynasty brought peace, made huge expansions, and conquered lands far into Asia.

In the Bible, Abraham does have contact with the pharaoh, but is sent away by pharaoh once Abraham's deceit is known. Abraham lied to pharaoh and said Sarah was his sister, got rich, and then got kicked out. Could it be Abraham was in fact a high priest to S'ankhkare' Menthotpe III, who may have been the last king of the 11th Dynasty? It is known that this Pharaoh fought wars along the Red Sea, which lies between present day Israel (biblical Canaan) and Egypt. Abraham, in the bible, is said to have come from Ur, which is in central Iraq. Abraham was also told by God to return Canaan thru military expeditions to fight pharaoh. Though the Bible does not name this pharaoh.

Male circumcision is another ritual that was first found in an Egyptian
tomb built for Ankhmabor in Saqqara and dating to around 2400 B.C. Although one may say the ritual was to promise fertility, just as God gave this promise to Abraham, circumcision is nothing but the destruction of healthy male tissue to control sexual urges, and natural sexual feeling. Once the foreskin is removed, sex is not "natural" for either the male or female. This Egyptian practice was done to show allegiance to the Pharaoh, dominance, ownership, and control of the Pharaoh over the population. No wonder Abraham wanted Jews to practice circumcision, it's a form of population control that has been adapted by religions around the world.

Back to Abraham as Pharaoh, if he was in fact a Pharaoh, it is likely his heirs were as well, the man did have 8 sons, and there were 7 rulers after Amenemhet of the 12th dynasty, and of course you have some that are not known, because they have not been discovered.

There is overwhelming evidence that several other biblical characters were in fact pharaohs, but that can be discussed later.

Back to Jesus, so if Abraham was a pharaoh, Jesus comes from royal blood, leading up to Mary and Joesph, if these were his parents. Jesus, in Egyptian, means Issa, Son of Isis, Isis is a Virgin goddess. One of the last pharaoh's, Ptolemy XV, was nicknamed "Ceasarian", or little Ceasar, Ptolemy meaning: In Egyptian: Iuaenpanetjernetinehm "The Heir of the Savior God" Setepenptah "Chosen of Ptah" Irimaatre "Who Brings Forth the Order of RE" "Heir of the God that Saves, Chosen of Ptah Carrying out the Rule of Re, Living image of Amun"

Ptolemy XV was the illegitimate son of Cleopatra VII & Julius Caesar, born while Caesar was in Egypt to settle the civil war between Cleopatra & her brother (Ptolemy XIII). Cleopatra's alter ego was Isis, the Virgin Goddess. When Cleopatra brought Ceasarion to Rome (46 BCE) Caesar publicly acknowledged his paternity. After his father's assassination (44 BCE), Caesarion returned to Alexandria & (at the age of 3) was officially installed as his mother's co-ruler. He had just reached puberty when his mother's lover (Mark Antony) rashly hailed him as "King of Kings." During the ensuing war between Antony & Octavion (31 BCE), Caesarion was kept away from Alexandria. But after his mother's suicide, Octavion enticed him to return, only to have him executed, ending the Ptolemaic dynasty. Although no record of death exists, it is assumed Caesarion was strangled at age 12. Cleopatra and Antony had 3 children, two of which were fraternal twins.

Much of this stated history is paralleled in the gospel of Matthew 2:13-15: And being warned of God in a dream that they (wise men) should not return to Herod, they departed into their own country another way. And when they were departed, behold, the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph in a dream, saying, Arise, and take the young and his mother, and flee into Egypt, and be thou there until I bring thee word: for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him. When he arose, he took the young child and his mother by night, and departed into Egypt.

Again in Luke 2: 1-4: And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Agustus, that all the world should be taxed (the 12 month calendar was invented by Caesar to pay taxes) And this taxing was first made when Cyrenius was governor of Syria. And all went to be taxed, every one into his own city.

Another important notation, is the fact Julius Ceasar changed from the 13 month calendar, to the 12 month calendar in 46 BC. Based on this, 45 BC, was actually year ZERO. And according to Luke 2:1, the birth of Jesus was right on target with the new 12 month taxing calendar, year ZERO.

Although no historical record exists of Ceasarion's death, a belief is held that Ceasarion was sent to India by Cleopatra before she committed suicide. Again, because there is no real record of Ceasarion's death.

Nichos Notowich wrote a book, in 1926, The Unknown Life of Jesus, which tells of scripts he found in a Buddhist temple, Himis Monastery, in what is now known as Kashmir. The script tells of the arrival of a Mediterranean man named Issa, or Jesus. The Buddhists and Hindus now regard Jesus as Saint Issa.

From the St. Issa text:

11 And Issa made answer to them that God had not in view temples erected by the hands of man, but he meant that the human heart was the true temple of God.

12 "Enter into your temple, into your heart. Illumine it with good thoughts and the patience and immovable confidence which you should have in your Father.

13 "And your sacred vessels, they are your hands and your eyes. See and do that which is agreeable to God, for in doing good to your neighbor you accomplish a rite which embellishes the temple wherein dwells he who gave you life.

14 "For God has created you in his own likeness-innocent, with pure souls and hearts filled with goodness, destined not for the conception of evil schemes but made to be sanctuaries of love and justice.

15 "Wherefore I say unto you, sully not your hearts, for the Supreme Being dwells therein eternally.

16 "If you wish to accomplish works marked with love or piety, do them with an open heart and let not your actions be governed by calculations or the hope of gain.

17 "For such actions would not help to your salvation, and you would fall into that state of moral degradation where theft, lying, and murder pass for generous deeds."

Commentary: It is known that the Vatican is keeping the gospel of Jesus from the public. If this top secret book sounds anything like the teachings of St. Issa, I can see why the Vatican would prohibit it's publication. If such teachings of Jesus exist, then temples, churches, giving offerings to the church, etc., would be in danger: transaltion, the church would go bankrupt. Who needs to support a church when Jesus says the temple of God resides in your heart, not those erected by man?

Another Excerpt:

4 "Does Caesar possess a divine right?" further asked of him the spies. "And is he the best of mortals?"

5 "There should be no better among men, but there are also sufferers, whom those elected and charged with this mission should care for, making use of the means conferred on them by the sacred law of our Heavenly Father.

6 "Mercy and justice are the highest attributes of a Caesar; his name will be illustrious if he adhere to them.

7 "But he who acts otherwise, who exceeds the limit of power that he has over his subordinates, going so far as to put their lives in danger, offends the great Judge and loses his dignity in the sight of man."

Commentary: So St. Issa does exalt Caesar, could this be because Caesar is his father? Furthermore, in this next passage, St. Issa exalts women, in a fashion that parallels Cesarion's mother Cleopatra:

"Listen, then, to what I say unto you: Respect woman, for she is the mother of the universe, and all the truth of divine creation lies in her.

11 "She is the basis of all that is good and beautiful, as she is also the germ of life and death. On her depends the whole existence of man, for she is his natural and moral support.

12 "She gives birth to you in the midst of suffering. By the sweat of her brow she rears you, and until her death you cause her the gravest anxieties. Bless her and worship her, for she is your one friend, your one support on earth.

13 "Respect her, uphold her. In acting thus you will win her love and her heart. You will find favor in the sight of God and many sins shall be forgiven you.

14 "In the same way, love your wives and respect them; for they will be mothers tomorrow, and each later on the ancestress of a race.

15 "Be lenient towards woman. Her love ennobles man, softens his hardened heart, tames the brute in him, and makes of him a lamb.

16 "The wife and the mother are the inappreciable treasures given unto you by God. They are the fairest ornaments of existence, and of them shall be born all the inhabitants of the world.

17 "Even as the God of armies separated of old the light from the darkness and the land from the waters, woman possesses the divine faculty of separating in a man good intentions from evil thoughts.

18 "Wherefore I say unto you, after God your best thoughts should belong to the women and the wives, woman being for you the temple wherein you will obtain the most easily perfect happiness.

19 "Imbue yourselves in this temple with moral strength. Here you will forget your sorrows and your failures, and you will recover the lost energy necessary to enable you to help your neighbor.

20 "Do not expose her to humiliation. In acting thus you would humiliate yourselves and lose the sentiment of love, without which nothing exists here below.

21 "Protect your wife, in order that she may protect you and all your family. All that you do for your wife, your mother, for a widow or another woman in distress, you will have done unto your God."

Keep in mind, in all ancient writings, histories, etc, it is well know there is a 30 year error, if not more. This is because, unlike today, information was extremely slow to spread. There were no cars, telegraphs, computers, or trains and planes--the only way for information to go from area to another, was word of mouth, and the only way a mouth traveled in ancient times was on foot, or camel, or horse. Of course, dates and times, and facts don't always match up. Not to mention, similarities have long been found between Christianity and Buddhism, is it because they have have the same history?

Back to Jesus. So, Cleopatra and Antony had 3 children. Alexander Helios, Cleopatra Selene II, whose twin was Ptolemy Philadelphus. The two sons were presumed to have been put to death, and Cleopatra Selene II was married off to become Queen of Mauretania. Again, not much is known about Selene, she and her husband could have had children.

Is it possible, Selene is in fact Mary Magdalene? In order to be accepted by the Jews, and hide from the Romans, she would have to change her name. Just as Jesus would have had to change his name and live poor to hide from the Romans. First of all, there are 3, and many more Marys found throughout the Bible. In the four gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, there is Virgin Mary, Mary Magdalene, Mary mother of Jesus and James, and Mary the wife of Clopas, and some unknown Mary who is the sister/wife of Lazarus. Unsure of the Marys? So are a lot of folks reading the Bible. Maybe the Bible needs all these Marys to cover up the true identity of Mary Magdalene?

Not much is said about Mary Magdalene. She and Jesus go to a wedding, in which the names of the bride and groom are not told, which leads one to believe Jesus is the one getting married. And Jesus performs his first miracle, by turning "water to wine" (John 2 1-11) for the wedding party to enjoy.

Assuming Cleopatra Selene is Mary Magdalene, the following scenario could have occurred: Jesus (Cesarian) is shipped off to India by his Mother (Cleopatra), returns to Egypt briefly (supported in Bible), is named ruler by Cesar, Cesar is murdered, Antony and Cleopatra have three more children, Antony adopts Cesarian, Octavius defeats Egypt and it becomes part of the Roman Empire, Antony commits suicide, before killing herself, Cleopatra sends Cesarian back to India to hide with "Mary & Joesph" as guardians, Cesarian becomes St. Isssa, Jesus/Cesarian/Issa returns to the Mediterranean to find his brothers are dead, but finds his sister Cleopatra Selene is a Queen. So Cesarian convinces Selene to come with him and conquer the Roman Empire, and make it the Holy Roman Empire, in honor of their Pharaoh Egyptian worship of Amun, the Sun God.

Sound far fetched to you? First, one needs to understand the parallels between Christianity (Jesus) and Egyptian mythology by clicking on that link.

Who is Amun? One might first recognize Amun, as a quite similar word to the popular prayer ending AMEN. Amen in I Kings Verse 1 Chapter 36: And Benaiah the son of Jehoiada answered the king, and said, Amen: the LORD God of my lord the king say so too. As the LORD hath been with my lord the king, even so be he with Solomon, and make his throne greater than the throne of my lord king David. Popular religious belief contends AMEN means SO BE IT. But, the Bible gives the true, and only, definition of Amen.

Amun, Amon, Amen, there are so many different spellings, was an Ancient Egyptian God, of thousands, that was said to be the "hidden one". Amen was the all knowing essence, which was invisible to all humanity. Until, Amen merged with the Egyptian Sun God, Ra, to become Amen-Ra. The emergence with the sun made Amen visible to humanity.

Enter the biblical evil doer, Lucifer. Lucifer makes his appearance in the fourteenth chapter of the book of Isaiah, at the twelfth verse, and nowhere else: "How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!"

So "Lucifer" is nothing more than an ancient Latin name for the morning star, the bringer of light. That can be confusing for Christians who identify Christ himself as the morning star, a term used as a central theme in many Christian sermons. Jesus refers to himself as the morning star in Revelation 22:16: "I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star."

Some say the morning star refers to Venus, others say the it is the sun. Either way, the worship of Amen goes back to the 12th Dynasty of Egyptian Pharaohs, which started with Abraham.

In Lucifer/Amun sun worship, Lucifer impregnates Mother Earth and gives life to all nature. This has been architecturally defined in obelisks.

These images are from the second pharaoh of the 12th Dynasty's Senusret I. They look quite similar to:

Steeples, monuments, and the Vatican all have obelisks, or phallus (penis) symbols. Sure, you can believe that the obelisk is a sun dial, or has some other meaning. But the original meaning is a penis have sex with the Earth to create life. It is Sun, or devil worship.

Still not convinced? How about these images of the Pope and Amen, notice the similar head pieces:

The 25th Day of December is the Sun's Birthday, because it when the Sun "wins" and the days get longer. It is not Jesus' birthday. Easter does not celebrate the resurrection of Jesus, it celebrates the Spring Equinox, or the Sun's victory or Winter, or Darkness. Hence East-er, the Sun rises in the East. The Bible states the Seventh Day is the Sabbath, and the Seventh day is Saturday, yet Christian's Sabbath is on Sun-day. Get it? For 1500 years Christians and Jews have unknowingly participated in devil worship. Through some research, I'm sure Islamics, Buddhists, and Hindus have as well.

The powers that be will create a World War III, just as they created the first two world wars, and other wars. The end goal is one world religion. Which religion shall win? Christians are in close alignment with Judaism and Buddhism, Muslims simply need to be converted, or killed off. Seems right now, with wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the coming war with Iran, the Muslims are being demonized and killed in a genocidal psychopathic way for one world religion to come.

Bullshit, eh? Remember the meaning, of Amen, Amun, THE HIDDEN ONE. It is hidden from us, yet is all around us, the creator of all things. It is a joke being played on all of us, so that we may not know the truth, because the truth will set you free. We lower caste humans, read history, as the ruling class wants you to know history. Read the Committee of 300 written by John Coleman. The truth is buried under Muslim cemeteries, and other holy sites (like the Temple of Solomon is buried under an Islamic Temple), or the truth is simply destroyed thru wars. Those who win the war, write and re-write history. Religion is a population controlling device, with blind faith people the world over worship evil. How so? Even the Christians and Jews break their own commandments: THOU SHALT NOT KILL. Wars rage. Theft is abundant. Make no mistake about it, this is hell. This is Satan's kingdom, Satan was cast out of the Heavens, and came crashing on Earth.

Perhaps 2012 is the end of devil worship. In the Mayan calendar, 2012 marks great change, the end of the Galactic Underworld's rule. Only the outcome of World War III will determine humanity's future. I hope to see that we as humans discover that we cannot give a name to God. It is blasphemous to do so. God is not man, or woman, mother or father, it is divine thought. Life is nothing more than divine thought being established within all living things. The divine force that drives humans, animals, and plants, is an experiment. We as humans have some fundamental need to understand, define, and worship the force which gives us life. Good and evil are nothing but divine expressions, each good and bad energy, exerted from Earthly beings, effects the Earth. The more fear and war, the worse Earth's energy becomes. Of course, through some research you yourself can be enlightened.

Glenn Beck Predicts Summer of Rage:

Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Truth Hurts

Hitler Youth Speech

Hitler Nuremberg Speech

Obama Youth Ball Speech


Obama on Election Night

First Off, Hitler speaks to the youth saying they know no class distinction. The youth know no religion. They are obedient, peace loving and courageous. Germany follows the youth. Just as Obama says the new generation spoke against the apathy of the old generation. Obama says the American youth want peace, end hunger, and provide public health.

In the Nuremberg speech Hitler speaks against those who sin against the party, and how they hurt themselves. Just as Obama, in his victory speech said division will halt progress. Obama believes partisanship is "immature" and we all share the same goal. Obama also doesn't want Republicans listening to Rush Limbaugh and Lou Dobbs.

Everyone in America is hopelessly trusting of Obama, just as the Germans hopelessly trusted Hitler. Both want the same for everyone--Main Street cannot suffer while Wall Street prospers--this school of thought will destroy capitalism. Obama and Hitler both felt everyone needs a piece of the American/German Dream. This way of thinking makes every citizen dependent on the government for jobs, health care, and energy.

The government that feeds you cannot free you. This is America!! If you want a piece of the American pie--BAKE MORE PIE. DO NOT LOOK TO THE GOVERNMENT FOR HELP, GOVERNMENT REGULATES BUSINESSES OUT OF BUSINESS. Take for example life insurance. Life insurance costs about 1-5 dollars a month for 10,000 dollars worth of coverage, and is not regulated by the government. Yet, government regulated health insurance costs anywhere between 60 and 100 dollars a month for bullcrap coverage.

Just look at education. In 1985, America was #1 in the world, not we're down to #10. The Department of Education ruined the American education system with mandated curriculums. It has destroyed the American family. American families no longer have a choice in how/where their kids get educated. They must pass these tests, as mandated by the government, even if the kids are home schooled.

Another aspect of family destroying government: marriage and divorce. Marriage should be kept out of the government, since marriage is a religious union, the government should not make it a legal requirement. However, the law is written by lawyers, and divorce lawyers make a lot of money dissolving legal marriages. Not to mention, in the 1940s, women had a gender role change, by getting involved in the workforce as a result of World War II. Men are conditioned to be "bread winners" and when that role is challenged by women working, divorce increases. Plus, there are so many support programs for divorce, it has become socially acceptable to divorce.

Why do women work? TO PAY THE BILLS. In America, it is IMPOSSIBLE to survive on one income, when only 50 years ago, a family could survive on one income. This is because 50 years ago, the price of housing, electricity, taxes, etc. were less, because there was less inflation. Inflation adds to the demise of the family, by removing the woman from the household, and threatening the traditional man's role in the family.

What we are experiencing in America, is price propping. The "stimulus" packages, and the 700 billion dollar bailout of Wall Street, and all the other bailouts, are doing nothing but price fixing housing, food, and energy. The free market dictates that in a recession, the prices FALL, and with a decrease in demand for housing, food, and energy, prices FALL. However, bailing out industry, allows the prices to remain fixed at inflated rates, against free market (capitalism) rules. While millions of Americans are now losing their jobs, the prices of goods they want, will remain high, thanks to the government.

Big business and banks love government funding. Just look at energy. Why the hell does the Federal Government have to spend billions on alternative energy, when Exon, Shell, and Duke Energy could spend their own money? Don't you think these companies would WANT to find other fuels? Guess not, especially when the government is going to foot the bill, that means these big oil and electric companies get to keep more of their profits, and use taxpayer money to develop alternative energy.

The government wants to destroy every bit of individualism we have. From education, to business, to families. You will have to go to the government for help. Instead of relying on yourself. Who knows best? You or the government?

The Germans believed Hitler knew best. Just as we Americans feel Obama knows best. CHANGE WE CAN BELIEVE IN--YES WE CAN!!! The Obama supporters chant, like a bunch of sheep being led to the slaughter house. Go ahead, give Obama and the government all the power. We will live to regret this, just as the Germans did.

World War III here we come! Bolivia, Columbia, Cuba, Guatemala, Ecuador, and Venezuela are teaming up with the Russians, and kicking US officials out of their countries. NOW THAT'S CHANGE TO BELIEVE IN!

Economic Recovery Bill = Bailout for All

So I've taken the time the read thru some of the awesomely ridiculous expenditures of the Economic Recovery Bill of 2009. Everyone, except those facing foreclosure, will receive money.

There is money allocated for farmers who are victims of disasters, money for reduced lunch programs at schools, and money to develop broadband internet in rural areas. Lots of money for "aquaculture" (fish farming), because these farmers didn't make a profit in 2007 and 2008, therefore this "stimulus" bill will give them money.

300 million will go to the Federal Communications Commission to "create a national broadband service, or other FCC responsibility".

The Indians only receive 5,000 for food programs. While 90 million will go to educate the poor, minorities on the national digital conversion. (For those not aware America is getting rid of analog service and converting to digital).

180 million for Science research buildings and services. 230 million for National Oceanic Research.

The kicker: 225 million to fight violence against women, 50 million of which will be used for "transitional housing" for women victims of domestic violence, stalking, and sexual assault.

2 BILLION will be used for the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Association Grant which
has the following authorized Purpose Areas:

Law enforcement programs
Prosecution and court programs
Prevention and education programs
Corrections and community corrections programs
Drug treatment programs
Planning, evaluation, and technology improvement programs

Many critics of this Grant state the "stimulus" money will be used to racially profile drug offenders, and lead to more marijuana and other low-level drug arrests. Not to mention, Obama believes that America cannot continue to rely on the military and law enforcement for security, he supports a civilian national security force, just as strong and funded as the military. More Gestapo: a secret police force employing underhanded and terrorist methods against those suspected of disloyalty.

Only 40 million was given to law enforcement on the southern border w/Mexico to combat narcotics--but 2 BILLION was given to Edward Byrne?? 10 million was given to increase Alcohol Tobacco and Firearm (ATF) salaries.

1 BILLION was given to Community Oriented Policing (COPS). This program is nothing but neighborhood spying. Members of the community turn suspected "criminals" in to the police, and might even become police themselves. Sounds like the making of the Gestapo to me.

1,474,525,000 went to the Army to improve facilities--additionally a lot of money went to the Navy, Marines, Air Force and Reserves for the same "modernization" of buildings goal. An additional 75 million went to each branch of the Armed Forces to research, develop, test, and evaluate weapons...and another 75 million for "defense wide" research and development. That's a lot of dough for weapons!!

100 million was given to the Army to reprogram "formerly utilized sites remedial action program." This program "cleans up" radiation and other damage caused by nuclear weapons testing during the Cold War. The Cold War ended in 1989, this program already has an operating budget of 2 BILLION a year--why does it need 100 million more? I think it's to create concentration camps on former military bases, or maybe the government is telling the truth....haha. Especially when an added 390 million of this "stimulus" money is going to Uranium Decomposition and Decommission, seems like they are spending extra money to do the same thing. Not to mention 5,127,000,000 has been awarded for Defense Environmental Cleanup in Western areas of the country--again more money for the same thing.

Don't believe me that martial law/concentration camps could very well be underway in America? Take a look at these MTV Think commercials:

16.8 BILLION will go to states Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy. 2 BILLION of this money will go to states to award grants to American lithium battery manufacturers and software designers, however, if no American owned company exists, the Department of Energy may use the money to recruit American workers.

4.5 BILLION will be used for Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability, which will mainly pay for security, research, and development.

6 BILLION will used for better fuel economy cars.

The Bonneville Power Administration Borrowing Authority will get 3,250,000,000 more federal money under the Federal Columbia River Transmission Act. This money can remain outstanding at ANY TIME. The Federal Columbia River Transmission Act of 1974 is a Federal law that provided for operation, maintenance, and continued construction of the Federal transmission system in the Pacific Northwest by using revenues from the Federal Columbia River Power System; formed the Federal Columbia River Transmission System; and made Bonneville Power Administration responsible for the power system and the transmission system. Translation: FEDERAL APPROVED MONOPOLY OF POWER!!

Additionally, the Western Area Power Administration (WAPA) may borrow up to 3,250,000,000 from the Treasury, but no more than 1,750,000,000 at one time to upgrade and deliver renewable energy. Other companies may participate in the financing, construction, and OWNERSHIP projects financed with this money. The sweetest part of this deal, is "if at the end of the useful life of a project financed under this bill, the REMAINING BALANCE owed to the Treasury shall be FORGIVEN." This includes UNCONSTRUCTED projects. The WAPA will tell the Treasury the amounts to be forgiven. How damn sweet is this? This is the equivalent of someone financing the construction of a building with a bank, telling the bank "I only used this building for 5 years, so you have to forgive the remaining balance"--What the hell?? Not to mention, WE THE TAXPAYERS ARE GETTING SCREWED!! WE WON'T SEE GET THIS MONEY BACK!! Why doesn't the Treasury have the authority under this "stimulus" package to dictate how much of TAXPAYER money is to be forgiven? I'll tell you why, because under this bill other businesses HAVE TO BE SOLICITED...MEANING BIG CORPORATIONS CAN PROFIT OFF OF THE RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT OF THIS TAXPAYER FUNDED RESEARCH, YET THE TAXPAYERS GET STUCK WITH THE BILL.

However, the average taxpayer can get up to 6,500 back from the government for making their home energy efficient, such as insulating your attic.

As if the Federal government hasn't already destroyed enough of Native American traditions, this stimulus bill provides another avenue to force Natives to comply with the American way of life: 8 million dollars of "stimulus" money has been allocated to fund LENDING BANKS for Native Americans. This means, the Natives will get a federally funded taste of consumerism...and will be enticed to borrow money, at interest, from banks, and the banks get more money!! Another 450 million will go toward Indian schools, 40 million for Indian Housing, and an extra 10 million for Indian loans. Not to mention an extra 85 million for Indian health care--which will be used to build hospitals.

OH YES--and 300 million of "stimulus" money will go to buy better fuel economy federal cars. That means we the taxpayers are buying a brand new fleet of Federal cars.

Another great rip-off of this "stimulus": the Small Business Destruction. The Small Business Administration grants 504 loans that provides growing businesses with long-term, fixed-rate financing for major fixed assets, such as land and buildings. Under this "stimulus" bill, businesses can apply for more loans, in addition to 504 loans, but the 504 loan MUST be sold to third party investors--that means small businesses will lose ownership of their buildings and land. Great!

200 million will build a Department of Homeland Security Headquarters. 160 million will be used for salaries. 100 million will be for border security technology. 420 million for port security. 20 million for improved communication equipment.

The only part of the "stimulus" that will create jobs:

Only 500 million will train adults to work. Yet, 1.2 BILLION will fund youth activities, like summer camps, on top of 50 million for YouthBuild activities. YouthBuilds helps low income, minorities, ages 16-24 get their GED and build housing for their communities. This program is vastly funded by non-profit organizations: so why does the government want to fund this? For what purpose? Nazi Youth equivalent. Do you research! Hitler wanted the German youth to provide "national" security as well. This is absurd!

1.25 BILLION will help dislocated workers. 750 million will fund workers who want to work in energy efficiency and renewable energy sectors (this is on top of money already allocated to Department of Energy to recruit American workers).

Last, but not least, 120 million for community service employment for Older Americans. Guess you old folks can't retire, you must get employment!!

There is nothing economically stimulating in this bill. We the American people just got royally screwed by Obama.
O One
B Big
A Ass
M Mistake
A America

Monday, February 9, 2009

America: Where At Least I Think I'm Free


History of the Federal Reserve a.k.a. Central Bank:

The Panic of 1907, also known as the 1907 Bankers' Panic, was a financial crisis that occurred in the United States when the New York Stock Exchange fell close to 50% from its peak the previous year. Many believe this panic began with false rumors spread by J.P. Morgan. The 1907 panic eventually spread throughout the nation when many state and local banks and businesses entered into bankruptcy causing Americans to withdraw all their cash from banks. Primary causes of the run include a retraction of market liquidity by a number of New York City banks, loss of confidence among depositors, and the absence of a statutory lender (or central bank). Interestingly enough, J.P. Morgan "saved" the economy by loaning large sums of his own money, and convinced other New York bankers to do the same, to save up the banking system. The following year, Senator Nelson W. Aldrich established and chaired a commission to investigate the crisis and propose future solutions, leading to the creation of the Federal Reserve System. The Fed prints money for US government to use, at interest. Meaning for every $1.00 that is printed for America, America has to pay back the $1.00, plus interest. It is debt slavery to the big banks.

The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 created the US's central bank, which main responsibilities include printing money and controlling the prices of goods to avoid another financial panic. President Woodrow Wilson signed the Act of 1913, and was quoted as saying:

"I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men."

More Financial Panics After Federal Reserve Was Created to Avoid Panics:

The Panic of 1919: Can't find much on the subject on the internet. However, in 1919 the Edge Act was passed, which gave power to international banks to own American banks. The three largest Edge Act, or foreign owned banks in the US are Citibank, HSBC International and Banco Santander International.

Panic of 1929: The Roaring Twenties, which was a precursor to the Crash, was a time of prosperity and excess, and despite warnings against speculation, many believed that the market could sustain high price levels. The euphoria and financial gains of the great bull market were shattered on Black Thursday, when share prices on the NYSE collapsed. Stock prices fell on that day and they continued to fall, at an unprecedented rate, for a full month.

In the days leading up to Black Tuesday, the market was severely unstable. Periods of selling and high volumes of trading were interspersed with brief periods of rising prices and recovery. Economist and author Jude Wanniski later correlated these swings with the prospects for passage of the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act, which was then being debated in Congress. After the crash, the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) recovered early in 1930, only to reverse and crash again, reaching a low point of the great bear market in 1932. The Dow did not return to pre-1929 levels until late 1954, and on July 8, 1932 reached its lowest level of the 20th century.

Another argument for the Crash of 1929, was the calling in of "marginal loans" by big banks. A margin loan was one made with a stock broker; the stock buyer would pay only 10% of the stock's price, yet receive 100% ownership. This meant with $100 one could own a $1,000 stock. In 1929 the brokers called in these loans, which lead to a mass sell-off of stocks, because the loans had to repaid. Add this to the fact the Federal Reserve increased the money supply of the United States by 65% during the 1920s, which led to over speculation over speculation of the real estate market in the 1920s.

Criticize and Die:

Louis McFadden, a Republican Congressman in the 1930s, hated the Federal Reserve. He believed the Fed was created by European banking interests, and even wanted to impeach President Hoover and brought conspiracy charges against the Federal Reserve Board of Governors, because he believed the Fed caused the Great Depression. Both proceedings were voted down in Congress. There were 2 assassination attempts on McFadden, and in 1936, he was finally killed by food poisoning.

Gold Bouillon Act of 1933:

This Act essentially took what little wealth Americans had at the time by taking their gold and silver. President Franklin Roosevelt, called in all gold and silver owned by Americans. The executive order was not meant to be permanent, but it became permanent. The act also gave more power to the Federal Reserve, because now it could control interest rates--when before, because American money was on the gold standard--interest was controlled by gold. Ever since, American money has been "legal tender". The definition of tender: soft, not strong; easily distressed; painfully sensitive. American money is only accepted as payment, because the government says so.

Could FDR have other motives? In a biography, by Henry F. Pringle, it is recognized that FDR's uncle James A. Roosevelt, was a prominent banker. How sure are we the Roosevelt's didn't make off like bandits during the Great Depression? The Great Depression caused massive sell offs and companies like J.P. Morgan and Lehman Brothers bought businesses for pennies on the dollar. It was the biggest theft in American History.

Now readers, put two and two together. Many of these big companies, J.P. Morgan, Merrill Lynch, AIG, those that were created out of the Great Depression now received federal bailout money in 2008. By the way, J.P. Morgan, is now called J.P. Morgan Chase, because it merged with the Rockefeller's Chase Bank. Coincidence?

For those not familiar with the Rockefeller's, their family has owned Standard & Oil Company, which later was sold off to create Exxon, Shell, and other gas companies. Rockefellers then got in the business of banking, with Chase Bank.

Role of Bankers in Globalisation:

Trilateral Commission, Founded by David Rockefeller: In July 1972, Rockefeller called his first meeting, which was held at Rockefeller's Pocantico compound in New York's Hudson Valley. It was attended by about 250 individuals who were carefully selected and screened by Rockefeller and represented the very elite of finance and industry.

A Trilateral Commission Task Force Report, presented at the 1975 meeting in Kyoto, Japan, called An Outline for Remaking World Trade and Finance, said: "Close Trilateral cooperation in keeping the peace, in managing the world economy, and in fostering economic development and in alleviating world poverty, will improve the chances of a smooth and peaceful evolution of the global system."

Another Commission document read:
"The overriding goal is to make the world safe for interdependence by protecting the benefits which it provides for each country against external and internal threats which will constantly emerge from those willing to pay a price for more national autonomy. This may sometimes require slowing the pace at which interdependence proceeds, and checking some aspects of it. More frequently however, it will call for checking the intrusion of national government into the international exchange of both economic and non-economic goods."

Translation: Get rid of countries, a.k.a. autonomy, and make each country dependent on other countries, a.k.a. interdependence, and limit the power of national government into the global economy, a.k.a. "free trade".

In his 2008 book "Making Government Work," former South Carolina Senator Ernest Hollings cited the Trilateral Commission as a negative influence on President Carter in his pro free trade and U.S. textile job killing policies.

Bilderberg Group: The original Bilderberg conference was held at the Hotel de Bilderberg, near Arnhem in The Netherlands, from May 29 to May 31, 1954. The meeting was initiated by several people, including Joseph Retinger, concerned about the growth of anti-Americanism in Western Europe, who proposed an international conference at which leaders from European countries and the United States would be brought together with the aim of promoting understanding between the cultures of United States of America and Western Europe.

Heads of state have attended meetings, including Juan Carlos I of Spain and Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands. While serving members of government do not usually attend, prominent politicians from North America and Europe are past attendees. In recent years, board members from many large publicly-traded corporations have attended, including IBM, Xerox, Royal Dutch Shell, Nokia and Daimler.

Jonathan Duffy, writing in BBC News Online Magazine states "No reporters are invited in and while confidential minutes of meetings are taken, names are not noted." However, some news reports are recently beginning to pop up in the media.

Council on Foreign Relations: The Council's mission is promoting understanding of foreign policy and the United States' role in the world. Meetings are convened at which government officials, global leaders and prominent members debate major foreign-policy issues. It has a think tank that employs prominent scholars in international affairs and it commissions subsequent books and reports. A central aim of the Council, it states, is to "find and nurture the next generation of foreign policy leaders."

Consequently, J.P. Morgan and Rockefeller have made considerable donations to the CFR, along with 26 other American corporations, making the CFR an arm of corporate interests.

Never Heard of It?

That's just what these organizations want. Here's a quote from David Rockefeller, made in 1991 at a Bilderberg Meeting:

"We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years."

He went on to explain:

"It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty (global) of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination (national interests) practiced in past centuries."

-- David Rockefeller, Speaking at the June, 1991 Bilderberger meeting in Baden, Germany (a meeting also attended by then-Governor Bill Clinton and by Dan Quayle)

The quote comes from on several sites, however you have to have a login in order to access this site in order to verify the quote. Coincidence?

Not to mention, major media elite has attended several of these "top secret" meetings. Like, Katherine Gram, owner of the Washington Post, and Conrad Black, major media mongol in Canada and Europe.

Add that together with the fact the American Media is owned by merely six companies. Sure, you have hundreds and hundreds of channels to chose from, but what you watch on all those channels are put out by only six companies. Yea, there are 30 magazines and hundreds of newspapers, but you only read what six media companies want you to read:

1. News Corporation
2. NBC Universal
3. CBS Corporation
4. Time Warner
5. Walt Disney Company
6. Cox Enterprises

Infiltration Into Education System:

In 1985, the United States ranked first in the world in education. In a 2005 study, it was found American students achieved lower scores than Japan, China, and India counterparts, as well as other countries. Why is this? First of all, you have the creation of the US Department of Education in 1979. Past presidential candidates Ronald Reagan, Bob Dole, and Ron Paul all wanted to abolish the US Department of Education.

The Republican Party's platform in the 1990s read: The Federal government has no constitutional authority to be involved in school curricula or to control jobs in the market place. This is why we will abolish the Department of Education, end federal meddling in our schools, and promote family choice at all levels of learning. However, George W. Bush failed to push this idea through.

From the creation of the Dept. of Education, you have federal laws that dictate to schools how students need to be taught. The curriculum is born from the National Education Association, which was/is funded by the Rockfellers, Caragenies, and Morgans.

In summary, Rockefeller and company fund the NEA, which in turn spit out American education curriculum, that makes American students dumber compared to other countries. Coincidence?

Let's look at why big banking elitists like the Rockefellers want dumb Americans.

In our dreams, people yield themselves with perfect docility to our molding hands. The present education conventions of intellectual and character education fade from their minds, and, unhampered by tradition, we work our own good will upon a grateful and responsive folk. We shall not try to make these people, or any of their children, into philosophers, or men of science. We have not to raise up from them authors, educators, poets or men of letters. We shall not search for great artists, painters, musicians nor lawyers, doctors, preachers, politicians, statesmen – of whom we have an ample supply. The task is simple. We will organize children and teach them in a perfect way the things their fathers and mothers are doing in an imperfect way.
John D. Rockefeller General Education Board (1906)

Translation: The aim of education is to form a perfect labor force, that does not critically think, but merely does a simple task well. Look around you, children all over the US are going to school wearing uniforms; just like they would go to work wearing uniforms. The best children are labeled "academically gifted", the parents cheer at such an achievement! YEA, my kid is smart. But, as a former AG student myself, let me tell you, I was not exposed to higher levels of math, science, or reading. My AG class merely went on field trips and played computer games like Oregon Trail.

Put all this together folks. A small group of bankers has owned this country for the last 100 years. In the last 100 years, our economy has weakened (Americans do not have gold), jobs have went overseas, and the education system is failing. Seems to me this handful of controlling elitists want to transform America into the land of workers, slaves to the banker and corporations, which will run the world. Unless we stop them.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

In Media We Trust

In America, our media only provides us with half of the story. That half of the story is spun so well, we Americans believe what the news tells us, and take it for the God's honest truth. Little do we know, there is another side to our news stories, that deserve some coverage.

Take fluoridation of our water supply. We are told by dentists that fluoride is great for our teeth, and prevents cavities. What we are not told, is fluoride has been shown to cause cancer and lower IQs in animal studies. These studies were not extended to humans, simply because the government said it was not needed. Too much fluoride can cause tooth damage and poisoning. Read your toothpaste, the label clearly states: if more than what is used for brushing is swallowed, contact poison control. Plus, swallowing fluoride can cause brown stains on your teeth and tooth decay.

Not to mention fluoxetine hydrochloride is the active ingredient in many antidepressants, like Prozac. Fluoxetine is a derivative of fluoride and hydrochloride comes from chlorine, which is also in America's water supply.

The economic motive behind putting fluoride in your water is endless. Farmers need somewhere to put fluorine run off from pesticides, big industries need a place for fluoride pollution, and oil companies need a place to put its fluorine poison. So, the public is told fluoride is good for your teeth. But, tooth decay is on the rise in the United States--compare that to the United Kingdom, in which only 10% of the water supply is fluorinated--and their rates of tooth decay are DECLINING.

Another popular, but half-truth, we Americans hear, is that washing with soap and shampoo is good hygiene. Most people, unless you work on a farm, or get excessively dirty, do not need to use soap or shampoo everyday. The main ingriendent in these products is sodium lauryl sulfate. It is potentially harmful to skin and hair because it cleans by corrosion, dries skin by stripping the protective lipids from the surface so it can't effectively regulate moisture.

Sodium Lauryl Sulfate in itself, is not that bad. However, when you mix it with nitrates, it can cause cancer. Nitrates are found in EVERYONE'S water supply. Nitrates are used as fertilizers, and run off gets in your water supply. Plus, sodium lauryl sulfate contains sulfuric acid. According the US MSDS safety sheet on sulfric acid, it causes cancers, is highly corrosive, and can cause tissue necrosis. In layman's terms, necrosis is TISSUE DEATH, that's right, you're killing your skin while washing with soap and scrubbing your hair.

Another skin destroying product: sunscreen. The recognized toxic ingridients in sunscreen include: benzophenone, PABA, and octyl salicylate. Read about these chemicals, they are not good for you, and conveniently enough, the government's MSDS sheet on octyl salicylate, has no information regarding skin cancer--that means no government study has been done, however the ingredient does cause cancer in animals.

The most disturbing health threat to Americans are food additives, or preservatives. We Americans love fast food, prepared meals like Hamburger Helper, soups, etc. However, many of these packaged and prepared meals contain awful toxins. Such as, MSG, which can cause nerve damage. Yellow #5 which can cause tumors. Potassium Bromate, which is banned everywhere in the world except the United States and Japan. The Codex Alimentarius commission approves of these additives, plus many more known dangerous additives.

Codex is bad, bad. It is an arm of the World Trade Organization and the World Health Organization, and the United States must comply with Codex by December 31, 2009. Codex approves of many dangerous chemicals not meant for human consumption, however it labels vitamins and nutrients as "toxins" that must be controlled. One stipulation of Codex, is getting rid of food labels, because Codex requires all food to be Genetically Modified. The FDA has already approved of meat and milk from cloned animals--without any labeling because agency regulators cannot require cloned products be labeled as such if -- as they assert -- there is no material difference between them and food produced by conventional methods.

Most importantly, the Food and Drug Administration is bad. The FDA restricts natural remedies, but promotes drugs like ephedra and celebrex, which were later recalled for killing people. Interestingly enough, former deputy commission Dr. Scott Gottlieb of the FDA joined CombiMatirx Corporation after leaving the FDA. CombiMatrix is in the business of drug development, genetic analysis, molecular diagnostics, nanotechnology research, defense and homeland security markets.

Another one, Dr. Kaiser J. Aziz, former FDA Director, joined ARV Excellence, which helps clients get FDA approval for their products.

One more, Former FDA Science Branch Director James Farley Joined InfoStrength as Advisor, this is a company that exclusively serves biotechnology, pharmaceutical and medical device companies with internationally recognized regulatory expertise.

No, one last one: Former FDA Director Susan Alpert Joined C.R. Bard, a medical device company.

Do you see the pattern here? Most, if not all, past FDA directors and scientists have gone on to work at pharmaceutical companies, or companies that work with the FDA to get approval. This is unethical. These folks get in these companies, tell companies what the FDA looks for in approving drugs/medical devices, and they get approved. Or worse, perhaps these folks have their friends, who are still in the FDA give instant approval to drugs. Former FDA employees should not work for pharmaceutical companies! It is not in the best interest of Americans for them to share insider knowledge of how to get approval with drug companies.

What's even more disturbing, is the possible "marriage" of several government agencies with the FDA. "The peanut recall offers a prime opportunity to merge all federal food safety oversight into one agency," Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack said Friday.

This means the food oversight the Dept. of Agriculture, Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, and Environmental Protection Agency would all become arms of the FDA.

Don't let this happen.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Sleep Tight 'Amerika'

All across the world, citizens are protesting. Well, protesting is a mild term, they are rioting as the world economic crisis affects them. In countries like Greece, Latvia, Russia, and most notably 1+ million in France.

Why aren't Americans? One view is that we Americans look to reform policies, not protest, strike, or riot. This is pure bologna to me. My fellow Americans-WAKE UP-do you not see what is around us? Do you not see the need to express public discontent? Where is the fury?? I know I'm mad as hell, here's why:

1. The Obama stimulus package, a.k.a. Obama debt plan for my children and grandkids, started at $800 billion, and now, as of today, it is around $920 billion. If this stimulus were a country, it would be the 6th LARGEST economy in the WORLD. This is on top of the 8.2 trillion dollars the Washington bureaucrats have already spent on "saving" the economy. The $8.5 trillion includes the $700 billion bank and Wall Street bailout; federal takeovers of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac; bailouts for Citigroup and American International Group; and various cash infusions into financial and lending markets by the Federal Reserve.

8.2 trillion dollars is 60% of our country's Gross Domestic Product, our GDP is only 14 trillion dollars. Not only that, but our congressmen and women (or John Stossel) can't even get a straight answer about exactly WHERE and HOW this 8,200,000,000,000 is being spent. There is NO WAY on God's green Earth can American taxpayers pay this back. There are 303,824,640 people in America--divide by 8.2 trillion-Congratulations my fellow American, you now owe 26,000 to the Federal Government.

Lest us not forget the UN Crime Chief stating that drug money was used to save banks. Of course, he didn't name any names or give any details, but my speculation is this: The banks were in trouble about January 2008, they borrow money from drug cartels, the bill came due in October, and the banks didn't have the cash, so the banks got bailouts from the government to pay back the cartels, now the banks still need money, so we give them more, and we will keep giving them more until America wakes up.

Now Obama wants to put a cap on executive salaries for the companies that received bailout money. In essence, this is taking away a CEO's drive to succeed--he/she will only make X amount of dollars--so why would the CEO want to work harder? This will DESTROY capitalism!! Which is exactly what big banks (like the World Bank) want. No capitalism equals socialism--everyone will be treated the same--there will be no reward for hard work or ingenuity. Humanity will suffer.

2. Department of Defense Directive 1404.10 enacted on January 23, 2009. This directive orders all civilian DOD employees to serve as an "expeditionary" force to support the military's objectives of peace keeping and fighting the war on terror. The DOD is tricky and states this force is voluntary, however, upon having getting hired, or if you are hired, you must sign this agreement, because it is "Position based". These civilians can be deployed for up to 2 years, and have a 90 day rest between deployments.

Webster's dictionary defines Mercenary: 1.working or acting merely for money or other reward; venal.
2. hired to serve in a foreign army, guerrilla organization, etc.
3. a professional soldier hired to serve in a foreign army.

Definition of Expeditionary: (pertaining to expedition) 1. an excursion, journey, or voyage made for some specific purpose, as of war or exploration.

These civilians are going to be mercenaries, because, they did not WILLINGLY sign up for combat or to go on military expedition, they willingly signed up to support the Department of Defense, if they wanted to go on international "expeditions" for 2 years, I think they would have joined the armed forces. This is important because it brings our country one step closer to a DRAFT, or INVOLUNTARY military service.

3. Remember those empty "prison" camps I wrote about earlier? Well, they are in fact renovated closed military posts, that will be used to house victims of natural disasters as the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and Homeland Security deems necessary.

The bill is called HR 645 and was introduced to Congress by Alcee Hastings of Florida. The official purpose is to direct the Secretary of Homeland Security to establish national emergency centers on military installations, preferably closed military establishments. There is a total of 360 million dollars that will be used to renovate, prepare, and equip at least 6 emergency centers in 2009 & 2010. All of the money has to be spent. Each center will have 2 state of the art monitoring systems, one that will run 24/7 and the other will be used for daily training.

We'll see if the bill is passed, keep track, but I guarantee you it will pass. The renovations have occurred. There is no need for these "emergency" centers. Our country has weathered thru several hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, and even 9/11 WITHOUT these emergency centers.

Sure, I remember Hurricane Katrina. Thousands of people were kept at the SuperDome, and not allowed to leave for about 2 weeks. What we forget, is those victims of Hurricane Katrina are babes to the proverbial breast of the USA. Meaning, those in New Orleans were spoon fed government assistance and welfare their entire lives, and had no clue how to survive on their own, because the government was feeding them, and they expected help from the government. They were incapable of helping themselves, and as we know, FEMA dropped the ball. They couldn't sufficiently help the hurricane victims either.

The same will happen at these emergency centers, however, the media will not be allowed to report on the deplorable conditions of said centers, and therefore the American public will not get any information aside from what the government will report at these centers, and if FEMA does the same as it did during Hurricane Katrina, the emergency centers will be concentration camps.


Will Americans take to the streets? I doubt it, there is such a slave mentality in this country, it is safe to say we are not a free country. Americans don't want to be brutalized like the civil rights protesters, or the World Health Organization protesters in Seattle in 1999. Americans want to work for their money and pay their bills. The majority of us do not care where 8.2 trillion dollars of our money is going, nor will we raise a fuss. We can't handle raising a fuss. We don't want to be sprayed with tear gas, fire hoses, or have attack dogs on us. Fighting for freedom is something the majority of us don't want to do, because we might get hurt, and we're a fearful nation.

Not only are we fearful, we are divided. We Americans cannot and will not put aside religious or racial issues to come together and fight for human freedom. No, we Americans are bigots. We have our own agendas, that are enforced upon us by the media--the Black Agenda, the Blue-Collar White Agenda, and the Immigrant Hispanic Agenda. We refuse to put these issues aside and realize they are just diversions from the issue: worldwide enslavement.

Sleep Tight Amerika, we are no different than the NAZIS.