Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Truth Hurts

Hitler Youth Speech

Hitler Nuremberg Speech

Obama Youth Ball Speech


Obama on Election Night

First Off, Hitler speaks to the youth saying they know no class distinction. The youth know no religion. They are obedient, peace loving and courageous. Germany follows the youth. Just as Obama says the new generation spoke against the apathy of the old generation. Obama says the American youth want peace, end hunger, and provide public health.

In the Nuremberg speech Hitler speaks against those who sin against the party, and how they hurt themselves. Just as Obama, in his victory speech said division will halt progress. Obama believes partisanship is "immature" and we all share the same goal. Obama also doesn't want Republicans listening to Rush Limbaugh and Lou Dobbs.

Everyone in America is hopelessly trusting of Obama, just as the Germans hopelessly trusted Hitler. Both want the same for everyone--Main Street cannot suffer while Wall Street prospers--this school of thought will destroy capitalism. Obama and Hitler both felt everyone needs a piece of the American/German Dream. This way of thinking makes every citizen dependent on the government for jobs, health care, and energy.

The government that feeds you cannot free you. This is America!! If you want a piece of the American pie--BAKE MORE PIE. DO NOT LOOK TO THE GOVERNMENT FOR HELP, GOVERNMENT REGULATES BUSINESSES OUT OF BUSINESS. Take for example life insurance. Life insurance costs about 1-5 dollars a month for 10,000 dollars worth of coverage, and is not regulated by the government. Yet, government regulated health insurance costs anywhere between 60 and 100 dollars a month for bullcrap coverage.

Just look at education. In 1985, America was #1 in the world, not we're down to #10. The Department of Education ruined the American education system with mandated curriculums. It has destroyed the American family. American families no longer have a choice in how/where their kids get educated. They must pass these tests, as mandated by the government, even if the kids are home schooled.

Another aspect of family destroying government: marriage and divorce. Marriage should be kept out of the government, since marriage is a religious union, the government should not make it a legal requirement. However, the law is written by lawyers, and divorce lawyers make a lot of money dissolving legal marriages. Not to mention, in the 1940s, women had a gender role change, by getting involved in the workforce as a result of World War II. Men are conditioned to be "bread winners" and when that role is challenged by women working, divorce increases. Plus, there are so many support programs for divorce, it has become socially acceptable to divorce.

Why do women work? TO PAY THE BILLS. In America, it is IMPOSSIBLE to survive on one income, when only 50 years ago, a family could survive on one income. This is because 50 years ago, the price of housing, electricity, taxes, etc. were less, because there was less inflation. Inflation adds to the demise of the family, by removing the woman from the household, and threatening the traditional man's role in the family.

What we are experiencing in America, is price propping. The "stimulus" packages, and the 700 billion dollar bailout of Wall Street, and all the other bailouts, are doing nothing but price fixing housing, food, and energy. The free market dictates that in a recession, the prices FALL, and with a decrease in demand for housing, food, and energy, prices FALL. However, bailing out industry, allows the prices to remain fixed at inflated rates, against free market (capitalism) rules. While millions of Americans are now losing their jobs, the prices of goods they want, will remain high, thanks to the government.

Big business and banks love government funding. Just look at energy. Why the hell does the Federal Government have to spend billions on alternative energy, when Exon, Shell, and Duke Energy could spend their own money? Don't you think these companies would WANT to find other fuels? Guess not, especially when the government is going to foot the bill, that means these big oil and electric companies get to keep more of their profits, and use taxpayer money to develop alternative energy.

The government wants to destroy every bit of individualism we have. From education, to business, to families. You will have to go to the government for help. Instead of relying on yourself. Who knows best? You or the government?

The Germans believed Hitler knew best. Just as we Americans feel Obama knows best. CHANGE WE CAN BELIEVE IN--YES WE CAN!!! The Obama supporters chant, like a bunch of sheep being led to the slaughter house. Go ahead, give Obama and the government all the power. We will live to regret this, just as the Germans did.

World War III here we come! Bolivia, Columbia, Cuba, Guatemala, Ecuador, and Venezuela are teaming up with the Russians, and kicking US officials out of their countries. NOW THAT'S CHANGE TO BELIEVE IN!

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