Thursday, February 19, 2009

Economic Recovery Bill = Bailout for All

So I've taken the time the read thru some of the awesomely ridiculous expenditures of the Economic Recovery Bill of 2009. Everyone, except those facing foreclosure, will receive money.

There is money allocated for farmers who are victims of disasters, money for reduced lunch programs at schools, and money to develop broadband internet in rural areas. Lots of money for "aquaculture" (fish farming), because these farmers didn't make a profit in 2007 and 2008, therefore this "stimulus" bill will give them money.

300 million will go to the Federal Communications Commission to "create a national broadband service, or other FCC responsibility".

The Indians only receive 5,000 for food programs. While 90 million will go to educate the poor, minorities on the national digital conversion. (For those not aware America is getting rid of analog service and converting to digital).

180 million for Science research buildings and services. 230 million for National Oceanic Research.

The kicker: 225 million to fight violence against women, 50 million of which will be used for "transitional housing" for women victims of domestic violence, stalking, and sexual assault.

2 BILLION will be used for the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Association Grant which
has the following authorized Purpose Areas:

Law enforcement programs
Prosecution and court programs
Prevention and education programs
Corrections and community corrections programs
Drug treatment programs
Planning, evaluation, and technology improvement programs

Many critics of this Grant state the "stimulus" money will be used to racially profile drug offenders, and lead to more marijuana and other low-level drug arrests. Not to mention, Obama believes that America cannot continue to rely on the military and law enforcement for security, he supports a civilian national security force, just as strong and funded as the military. More Gestapo: a secret police force employing underhanded and terrorist methods against those suspected of disloyalty.

Only 40 million was given to law enforcement on the southern border w/Mexico to combat narcotics--but 2 BILLION was given to Edward Byrne?? 10 million was given to increase Alcohol Tobacco and Firearm (ATF) salaries.

1 BILLION was given to Community Oriented Policing (COPS). This program is nothing but neighborhood spying. Members of the community turn suspected "criminals" in to the police, and might even become police themselves. Sounds like the making of the Gestapo to me.

1,474,525,000 went to the Army to improve facilities--additionally a lot of money went to the Navy, Marines, Air Force and Reserves for the same "modernization" of buildings goal. An additional 75 million went to each branch of the Armed Forces to research, develop, test, and evaluate weapons...and another 75 million for "defense wide" research and development. That's a lot of dough for weapons!!

100 million was given to the Army to reprogram "formerly utilized sites remedial action program." This program "cleans up" radiation and other damage caused by nuclear weapons testing during the Cold War. The Cold War ended in 1989, this program already has an operating budget of 2 BILLION a year--why does it need 100 million more? I think it's to create concentration camps on former military bases, or maybe the government is telling the truth....haha. Especially when an added 390 million of this "stimulus" money is going to Uranium Decomposition and Decommission, seems like they are spending extra money to do the same thing. Not to mention 5,127,000,000 has been awarded for Defense Environmental Cleanup in Western areas of the country--again more money for the same thing.

Don't believe me that martial law/concentration camps could very well be underway in America? Take a look at these MTV Think commercials:

16.8 BILLION will go to states Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy. 2 BILLION of this money will go to states to award grants to American lithium battery manufacturers and software designers, however, if no American owned company exists, the Department of Energy may use the money to recruit American workers.

4.5 BILLION will be used for Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability, which will mainly pay for security, research, and development.

6 BILLION will used for better fuel economy cars.

The Bonneville Power Administration Borrowing Authority will get 3,250,000,000 more federal money under the Federal Columbia River Transmission Act. This money can remain outstanding at ANY TIME. The Federal Columbia River Transmission Act of 1974 is a Federal law that provided for operation, maintenance, and continued construction of the Federal transmission system in the Pacific Northwest by using revenues from the Federal Columbia River Power System; formed the Federal Columbia River Transmission System; and made Bonneville Power Administration responsible for the power system and the transmission system. Translation: FEDERAL APPROVED MONOPOLY OF POWER!!

Additionally, the Western Area Power Administration (WAPA) may borrow up to 3,250,000,000 from the Treasury, but no more than 1,750,000,000 at one time to upgrade and deliver renewable energy. Other companies may participate in the financing, construction, and OWNERSHIP projects financed with this money. The sweetest part of this deal, is "if at the end of the useful life of a project financed under this bill, the REMAINING BALANCE owed to the Treasury shall be FORGIVEN." This includes UNCONSTRUCTED projects. The WAPA will tell the Treasury the amounts to be forgiven. How damn sweet is this? This is the equivalent of someone financing the construction of a building with a bank, telling the bank "I only used this building for 5 years, so you have to forgive the remaining balance"--What the hell?? Not to mention, WE THE TAXPAYERS ARE GETTING SCREWED!! WE WON'T SEE GET THIS MONEY BACK!! Why doesn't the Treasury have the authority under this "stimulus" package to dictate how much of TAXPAYER money is to be forgiven? I'll tell you why, because under this bill other businesses HAVE TO BE SOLICITED...MEANING BIG CORPORATIONS CAN PROFIT OFF OF THE RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT OF THIS TAXPAYER FUNDED RESEARCH, YET THE TAXPAYERS GET STUCK WITH THE BILL.

However, the average taxpayer can get up to 6,500 back from the government for making their home energy efficient, such as insulating your attic.

As if the Federal government hasn't already destroyed enough of Native American traditions, this stimulus bill provides another avenue to force Natives to comply with the American way of life: 8 million dollars of "stimulus" money has been allocated to fund LENDING BANKS for Native Americans. This means, the Natives will get a federally funded taste of consumerism...and will be enticed to borrow money, at interest, from banks, and the banks get more money!! Another 450 million will go toward Indian schools, 40 million for Indian Housing, and an extra 10 million for Indian loans. Not to mention an extra 85 million for Indian health care--which will be used to build hospitals.

OH YES--and 300 million of "stimulus" money will go to buy better fuel economy federal cars. That means we the taxpayers are buying a brand new fleet of Federal cars.

Another great rip-off of this "stimulus": the Small Business Destruction. The Small Business Administration grants 504 loans that provides growing businesses with long-term, fixed-rate financing for major fixed assets, such as land and buildings. Under this "stimulus" bill, businesses can apply for more loans, in addition to 504 loans, but the 504 loan MUST be sold to third party investors--that means small businesses will lose ownership of their buildings and land. Great!

200 million will build a Department of Homeland Security Headquarters. 160 million will be used for salaries. 100 million will be for border security technology. 420 million for port security. 20 million for improved communication equipment.

The only part of the "stimulus" that will create jobs:

Only 500 million will train adults to work. Yet, 1.2 BILLION will fund youth activities, like summer camps, on top of 50 million for YouthBuild activities. YouthBuilds helps low income, minorities, ages 16-24 get their GED and build housing for their communities. This program is vastly funded by non-profit organizations: so why does the government want to fund this? For what purpose? Nazi Youth equivalent. Do you research! Hitler wanted the German youth to provide "national" security as well. This is absurd!

1.25 BILLION will help dislocated workers. 750 million will fund workers who want to work in energy efficiency and renewable energy sectors (this is on top of money already allocated to Department of Energy to recruit American workers).

Last, but not least, 120 million for community service employment for Older Americans. Guess you old folks can't retire, you must get employment!!

There is nothing economically stimulating in this bill. We the American people just got royally screwed by Obama.
O One
B Big
A Ass
M Mistake
A America

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