Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Big Fat Americans

In the world of economics, there are groups of people that are assigned different tasks in order to support the economic system. These roles are best defined as the hunters and gatherers who provide food and products to the consumers.

Today, the hunters and gatherers are Chinese, Indian, Dominican, etc. These foreign people produce the products that we Americans enjoy. From clothes, to dishes, to car parts...they are Americans' hunters and gatherers.

Sure, without American consumption, the world economy would drop. Just look at the price of oil, it's down $100 a barrel from last year because American consumption has declined. But, sooner or later, the Chinese and Indian producers will get tired of working all day to produce products for Americans. They might want to work less, go on vacation...or better yet, they may realize their lives will be better without Americans.

Let's take some facts in account:
1. Americans make up 5% of the world's population, but consume 26% of the world's energy, that translates to as much energy as
2 Japanese
6 Mexicans
13 Chinese
31 Indians
128 Bangladeshis
307 Tanzanians
370 Ethiopians
2. The average American consumes 159 gallons of water a day, while more than half the world's population lives on 25 gallons.
3. 80% of the corn grown and 95% of the oats are fed to livestock.
4. There are more shopping malls than high schools in the United States.

We are Big Fat Americans. Obesity is the #1 health problem in the U.S. Americans spend $30 billion a year on diet products, while millions starve to death worldwide.

All we do is consume, consume, consume. Our manufacturing jobs are gone, Americans now are employed by the service (retail, mechanics, banking), government (military, education, construction) and health care industries. Nothing we consume is Made in the USA.

Yea, Yea, all doom and gloom. The ice sheets will melt, species will become extinct...we all know what will happen if we don't save the World Environmental crisis.

But, in all seriousness, our American consumption needs to be restricted. The world would be a much better place without American destruction and American control over the food supply. Take Africa for instance, 24% less food is produced in Africa then 15 years ago. Foreign aid (aka FREE FOOD) has eliminated African farmers...why would Africans PAY for food when the United Nations GIVES them food? America has eliminated African farming competition.

Just as the government got rid of African farmers, the government has eliminated private property rights. The Environmental Protection Agency issues permits to companies that allow big corporations to pollute the air and land. Excuse me...this is MY air, MY land, YOUR air, YOUR land...what company has the RIGHT to pollute privately owned air and land? Time to repeal these pollution permits, and sue the who pollute. I bet the big corporations would develop a better method to produce and cut pollution if they all got sued for millions by the private land owners whose property is polluted..instead the companies create excuses of why they pollute and say they need to pollute more.

The government also props up certain energy companies with federal subsidies. These subsidies to oil and natural gas companies need to be eliminated. They only reward oil and natural gas and do nothing to help biofuels like sugarcane and hemp. Hence, the free market isn't so free.

Back to the point...we the Big Fat American People will save the world from crisis because we the Big Fat American Shopper will buy foreign products. Until we stop consuming the world will love us...once we stop consuming...well it all comes down to who owns what.

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