Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Here Comes the War

It seems the media and President-elect Obama, as well as other politicians, are drum rolling Americans toward a terror attack....and another addendum to War.

In this month's issue of Reader's Digest, Peggy Noonan, former speechwriter and adviser to Reagan, stated "Chances are good that a terror event worse than 9/11 will happen on American Soil on your (obama's) watch."

Today, on alternet.org, a headline reads "Experts Predict a Possible Terrorist Strike with a Nuke by 2013--What can We do to Stop It?"

My guess is these "fear-mongerers" are right, there will be a HUGE terror attack on American soil, and despite the War on Terror, our FBI, CIA, Army, Air Force, and Department of Homeland Security NOTHING can be done to stop it.

Perhaps the government doesn't want to stop a terror attack. War in Iraq, Afghanistan, and raids into Syria, can only be justified to the American people if the American people feel endangered.

The War on Terror is a perpetual war, just like the War on Drugs (began in 1984-present). We are not meant to win the War on Drugs nor are we ever going to defeat the "terrorists".

Who are these terrorists anyway? Sure, they love Allah and hate Americans. At least that is the story we hear.

My problem with this story is that the "terrorists", in all their hatred of Americans, don't bomb football games, malls, interstates, or American homes. The "terrorists" bomb US embassies abroad, US bases in other countries, and of course the former economic beacon, the World Trade Center. It seems the "terrorists" don't like the American empire, and want to destroy the American presence overseas.

We Americans love to think we are doing "good", we are saving the Islamic people from tyrants and terror. I strongly feel our military presence abroad fuels these "terror" attacks. Have we Americans forgotten our history? Freedom has to come from within the country people, not militarily forced... Take for instance the American Revolution. Did France send in troops to help us fight the Brits? Did Mexico? Spain? NO. We fought for our independence on our own, without foreign troops fighting beside us.

Islamic "exteremists" don't want a Western way of life. And if the majority of Muslims want a Western way of life, why aren't they fighting the terrorists, instead of Americans?

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