Thursday, December 4, 2008

Ensuring Separation of Chuch and State

This blog kind of goes hand-in-hand with my previous blog, "Divide & Conquer". Religion is another division the media and politicians use to get elected.

However, under the Bill of Rights we Americans are guaranteed Freedom of Religion, and in the U.S. Constitution, the separation of church and state are protected, yet today are not enforced.

Take Barack Obama for instance. This is taken from Obama's Election site

"Obama Has Never Been A Muslim, And Is a Committed Christian"

Why does this matter to American voters? Personally, I don't want a man or woman, with ANY religious endorsement elected into any political office. Catholic, Baptist, Methodist, Buddhist, Muslim and other religious leaders ARE NOT QUALIFIED TO RUN GOVERNMENT. These leaders are only qualified to run their respective congregations. Religious leaders should guard their right to practice religion. Most importantly, these leaders should clearly draw lines between religious and government powers to their followers.

Politicians actively seeking a religious endorsement should be publicly humiliated and removed from office. Once politicians begin leading the United States under ONE religious endorsement or another, our freedom of religion will disappear.

Bottom line: Religious groups are not equipped to run government. However, powerful religions ARE running/buying politicians to rule America. This is unconstitutional and a severe infringement to our American liberty to freely practice any religion we chose. When the religious standing of our political leaders is important to voters, it is fair to say we have lost our Freedom of Religion.

Already, America has begun persecuting "radical" Muslims and Mormons, because of their belief in plural marriage. What does it matter, as long as no one is being hurt. Radical Muslims are doing nothing but fighting for the sovereignty of their countries! They don't want Western Ideals in their Islamic countries. Polygamist Mormons are merely prosecuted because of their success--IT TAKES A LOT OF MONEY TO SUPPORT 3 WIVES AND 10 KIDS.

More on this later...gotta go to work.

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